What Are the Benefits of Sea Moss?

Benefits of Sea Moss

Once upon a time, a well-known animated crab performed a song entitled “The seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake.” But you don’t need to be a musically talented crab to reap the benefits of sea moss, which offers a wide variety of possible health benefits. Sea moss has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The red algae that makes up sea moss is often referred to as Irish moss (or Chondrus crispus, if you want to get formal about it). It is collected for its carrageenan, which is an ingredient used to thicken milk products like ice cream. However, you can also purchase it in its raw form or as a supplement in the form of pills, powders, gels, or candies.

Beth Czerwony, RD, a registered dietitian, weighs in on the advantages and side effects of sea moss so that you may decide for yourself whether or not this prickly sea vegetable deserves a place in your diet.

The numerous health advantages of sea moss

First things first: “There seem to be quite a few health benefits of sea moss,” warns Czerwony, “but they aren’t widely investigated,” and “sea moss supplements are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” Sea moss is a type of algae that is found in the ocean.

There is a wealth of study data on the health advantages of seaweed, sea moss’s close relative; yet, there is a paucity of such data on sea moss itself. Despite this, it is regarded to be safe for intake in most cases, and the advantages are comparable to those of other types of seaweed.

It’s good for your heart

One could consider seaweed to be a superfood. It has a greater fiber content than the majority of vegetables, which is a good thing seeing as how fiber is known to have a variety of health benefits for the body. It can help you better control your blood sugar, assist you in lowering your cholesterol, and lessen the likelihood that you will develop chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

According to Czerwony, “Studies show that sea moss may help lower bad cholesterol, which is one of the causes that might lead to heart disease.” Sea moss also helps lower total cholesterol. It has also been demonstrated that it can assist in lowering blood pressure, which is another important element in heart health.

It has the potential to encourage weight loss.

Can you recall how much fiber seaweed contains? Foods that are high in fiber have a longer feeling of fullness, which means they may prevent you from eating too much. According to Czerwony, “Fiber keeps us fuller for longer,” which may assist with the management of weight.

It is an excellent supply of iodine.

Iodine is an essential component for a healthy thyroid, but since your body cannot produce iodine on its own, the only way to obtain it is through the food that you eat. (However, the majority of individuals get adequate iodine from dairy products, shellfish, and salt that has been iodized.)

It promotes healthy digestive function.

Your digestive system is filled with microorganisms, some of which are beneficial and others of which are harmful. And because the health of the digestive tract is linked to that of the body as a whole, maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in your body is an essential component of your wellness. Sea moss and other types of algae, such as algae, are excellent sources of both fiber and living microorganisms. According to Czerwony, “It can help replace the healthy bacteria that are found in our stomach.”

It has the potential to improve your immunity.

According to the findings of one study, Atlantic salmon that consumed sea moss had a stronger immunological response than fish who did not consume sea moss. Fish and people obviously have quite different physiologies, and there have been no studies done on humans that are comparable to this one that have shown the same effect.

Having said that, research has shown that a healthy stomach is linked to a healthy immune system. In addition, sea moss is rich in both iron and antioxidants, two components that are important to maintaining a healthy immune system.

It can also assist in the recuperation process after a workout.

The amino acid taurine, which aids in the development of muscle, can be found in high concentrations in sea moss. Czerwony adds that when we exercise, we cause tiny tears, or micro-tears, in our muscles; nevertheless, amino acids can assist with the recovery process.

Additionally, sea moss offers approximately 6 grams of protein per 100 grams, making it an excellent addition to a fitness routine. However, you shouldn’t count solely on sea moss for your post-workout recovery! You still need to make sure that you are receiving sufficient amounts of rest, hydration, and other things like that.

Supplementing with sea moss may cause the following side effects:

It is generally believed that sea moss is beneficial to one’s health; nevertheless, it does contain variable concentrations of both beneficial nutrients and other substances that are not beneficial to one’s health (which we will discuss in a moment).

According to Czerwony, “since sea moss is a product of its environment, the nutritional content of the sea moss varies greatly depending on where it is grown.” “Unfortunately, there is no real way to tell exactly what’s in it or how much, and one batch may have higher potency than the next,” he said. “One batch may have higher potency than the next.”

There are two primary dangers that are connected to sea moss.

It is possible to take in an unsafe amount of iodine.

Iodine is a fantastic example of how having too much of a good thing can turn it into a bad one. Endocrinologists actually advise against taking iodine supplements unless your doctor has specifically stated that you should do so. This is because iodine supplements may actually have a detrimental impact on your thyroid.

It is composed of heavy metals.

Yikes! It is common knowledge that seaweed may take up heavy metals from the surrounding water as it grows. When consumed in moderation, seaweed does not pose a health risk; nevertheless, eating too much of it can have negative effects on your health.

Both the flavor and the consistency are revolting.

The slimy consistency and fishy flavor of sea moss are not dangerous, yet they are noteworthy nonetheless.

Raw sea moss has a flavor that is earthy and aquatic at the same time, comparable to that of clams and oysters. Czerwony argues that if you don’t like seafood, you probably won’t enjoy the flavor of raw sea moss because it has more of a marine flavor. The good news is that it shouldn’t have much of a flavor when used in the form of a supplement.

Aside from the flavor, the texture of sea moss may also be off-putting to you: In its gel state, it has a texture that is slick and thick, much like that of aloe vera. If it is something that is bothering you, you might want to consider switching to a different kind of vitamin.

Should you use supplements containing sea moss?

One study revealed that consuming 4 grams of sea moss per day is normally safe; nevertheless, you should still check with your healthcare professional before taking it, particularly if you already have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Sea moss is a type of kelp.

It can be purchased in its natural state or processed into a number of dietary supplements, including the following:

  • Capsules.
  • Gels.
  • Gummies.
  • Lotions.
  • Powders.

It is up to you to decide whatever interpretation you go with. According to Czerwony, “it’s really about whatever your preference is,” as long as you’re following proper dosing recommendations, “it’s really about whatever your preference is.”

But whether you’re just taking sea moss supplements or filling up on a variety of other types as well, it’s important to keep in mind that you can’t out-supplement a diet that’s lacking in quality ingredients.

According to Czerwony, “Sea moss does have some possible health benefits; nevertheless, eating a healthy diet that is rich in variety is going to be the most useful to your body.” “Don’t depend on supplements.”