Can You Run While Pregnant?


Can You Run While Pregnant?

It is recommended that pregnant women do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. In general, if you are healthy and your pregnancy is normal, it is safe to exercise. Doctors say that women who were running regularly before pregnancy can continue during pregnancy.

However, there are conditions that make it unsafe to exercise during pregnancy. These include bleeding, pre-leprosy, severe anemia, some types of heart and lung disease, and umbilical cord problems. If you have multiple and are at risk of premature labor, doctors do not recommend exercise. It is important to talk to your healthcare professional before starting any exercise program during pregnancy.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), healthy pregnant women should exercise, and if it is safe for you to do so, it is recommended to do about 150 minutes of moderate activity each week.

Staying active can have many benefits for both mother and baby, but everyone is different and your ability to exercise will change as your pregnancy progresses. Read our Childbirth Guide to learn more about the nine-month journey – the stages of the trimester of pregnancy.

As a determined runner, I always thought I would run very close to my due date when I got pregnant. I imagined it to be comfortable and pleasant. When I became pregnant, I confidently told my athletics coach that I wanted to train with the track team for the last few months. “Nothing can stop me from setting an example for other pregnant track runners,” I told her.

Yes, running is usually safe during pregnancy, but there are some things to keep in mind before you go to the floor. First of all, when you are pregnant, it is always important that you clear any exercise with your doctor. And while there are many benefits to exercising during pregnancy, you may need to adjust your trimester. Properly refueling and staying hydrated before and after your race can help prevent certain health problems, and if you are feeling tired or exhausted, it is best to stop or slow down. To go

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If you ran away before your pregnancy.

If you are accustomed to running or jogging and want to continue your pregnancy, there are many benefits. For example, this is a great exercise for your heart and lungs.

The goal should be to maintain your current level of fitness during pregnancy, rather than to excel personally in a race. You should also be aware of excessive heat, so continuous running is better than high-intensity interval training.

Being active during pregnancy can boost your energy, improve your mood and reduce your risk of pregnancy complications. But as you think about the different ways to stay physically active, you may wonder, is running safe during pregnancy?

Running is a fast exercise, so naturally, you may feel a little hesitant to continue it during pregnancy. The good news, though, is that you don’t have to hang up your running shoes – at least not yet. But before you hit the sidewalk, you need to know how to run during pregnancy.


Mental health

Exercising during pregnancy reduces the risk of depression by 67%. Exercise can boost your energy level as well as your mood.

Child brain development.

Researchers have found that exercise during pregnancy can boost a baby’s brain development. Studies of the brain activity of newborns have shown that mothers who exercise regularly during pregnancy develop their brains faster than those of lazy mothers.

According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (opens in a new tab), if you are healthy, pre-existing conditions cannot be talked about, running during pregnancy does not increase the risk of miscarriage or early delivery and Too much can happen. Instead of benefits. However, there are some things to note – besides, it is very important to listen to your body.

“If she is running regularly before pregnancy, it is safe for a woman to continue running,” she says. “However, it is recommended to reduce its severity and stay within 70-75% V02max for the general population.” (V02 Max is the amount of oxygen your body uses when exercising as hard as it can.) “It is not recommended for a woman not to run before pregnancy.”

3d rendering x-ray of baby with brain inside.

What if you weren’t a runner before pregnancy? Can you start running now?

If you did not exercise before pregnancy, there may be benefits to incorporating some form of physical activity into your daily routine. However, pregnancy is not the time to start running.

Your body is already working harder and undergoing many changes. Starting strenuous exercise increases physical stress, which is not ideal.

Instead, choose light exercise, such as light aerobics, walking, yoga, or using a low-speed treadmill or elliptical. To develop a routine, start slowly and gradually increase the length and intensity of your workout. For example, walk 5 minutes a day, and then increase to 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes.


Can you run during pregnancy?

As a prenatal exercise specialist, the most common fear I have of pregnant runners is the fear of abortion during pregnancy. However, modern research shows that abortion – especially in the first trimester – has nothing to do with exercise. Instead, they are linked to a range of possibilities, including genetic abnormalities, infections/diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, maternal old age, serious physical injury, and hormonal imbalances.

Given this, the question ‘can you run during pregnancy is less about abortion and what signs and symptoms you experience during your pregnancy instead. For example, many runners begin to feel pelvic floor pressure after the second trimester as the baby’s weight begins to place a significant load on the pelvic floor.

In general, when women begin to feel any kind of pelvic floor ‘heaviness’ or discomfort, it is a sign that their pelvic floor is struggling to cope with the new demands placed on it. That’s why I recommend avoiding activities like running. I would also like to remind clients that protecting their pelvic floor during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of injury and speed up the recovery after childbirth!
