How to Get Rid of Dandruff: The Best DIY Treatments

Get Rid of Dandruff

There’s no getting around the fact that dandruff may be a major pain in the neck. It may seem at times as though it doesn’t matter what we do to get rid of those annoying white flakes, they keep on coming back despite our best efforts. Because our efforts with a large number of different anti-dandruff creams were fruitless, we decided it was time to be creative and investigate natural treatments that could be done at home.

In order to obtain further information, we consulted industry professionals Shab Reslan, Veronica Joseph, and Jenny Liu. Not only did they reveal how to control and minimize dandruff using ingredients that we already have at home, but they also shared their best tips for relieving a dry and flaky scalp. Not only did they reveal how to control and minimize dandruff using ingredients that we already have at home, but they also

Keep scrolling for some of the most effective do-it-yourself remedies for dandruff that will leave your scalp in good health.

What Is It Called (Dandruff)?

Dandruff is a common illness that affects the scalp and is characterized by symptoms including itching and flakes of dead skin. It is a problem that can be caused by a number of different factors, one of which is an inflammatory reaction to the yeast pityrosporum, which is normally present as part of the skin’s flora. Joseph elaborates: “Dandruff is characterized by the presence of highly apparent white flakes that can be transferred from the scalp to clothing. Every month, the most superficial layer of skin cells on our scalps will be shed. On the other hand, dandruff appears as huge, greasy clumps of skin that are white in color when the process of shedding the top layer of skin happens frequently (every few days).”

What are the Roots of Dandruff?

Dandruff is a condition that can be caused by a number of different things, including incorrect hair care, stress, and even genetics. However, the fundamental cause of this frequent scalp illness is the overproduction of sebum and the fungus that feeds on it. This condition is also known as seborrheic dermatitis. “Sebum is produced by us and secreted into our scalp, where it comes into contact with yeast, which is a type of fungus. This interaction is seen as an irritant by the body, which prompts a rapid rise in the synthesis of skin cells, which then flake off and provide the appearance of dandruff “explains Joseph.

Dandruff’s Telltale Symptoms

It is essential to be able to tell the difference between dandruff and dry scalp, despite the fact that the two conditions are sometimes confused with one another. It is possible for both dandruff and a dry scalp to induce flaking and itching of the scalp; however, flaking associated with a dry scalp is typically more modest than flaking associated with dandruff. Joseph notes that dandruff can be identified by the white flakes of skin that can be visible on garments as well as by an itchy scalp.

The Most Effective Remedies You Can Make at Home for Dandruff

Baking Soda Dandruff Shampoo

The grainy consistency of baking soda is what allows it to effectively remove dandruff-causing dead skin cells, debris, and excess oil from your scalp and hair. Baking soda also helps remove the loose skin cells that are the root cause of dandruff. Keep in mind, however, that this treatment should only be utilized on an as-needed basis. “Because baking soda has an alkaline pH level, using it on your hair can throw off its normal pH balance. It can cause it to become dry and can also lift the cuticle, both of which can expose your hair, making it more prone to damage over time “says Reslan. For periodic extra-deep cleaning, repeat the process once a week or every four to five times you shampoo your hair. Even while your hair may initially have a feeling of dryness, after a few weeks your scalp will begin to create more natural oils, which will cause your hair to regain its softness.

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine one tablespoon of baking soda with each cup of water, and stir until well combined.
  2. To provide a subtle aroma to this shampoo, add two to three drops of rosemary essential oil. (It is important to note that this ingredient is not required, but it is a welcome addition.)
  3. Pour it over your head and work it into your scalp with a massage.
  4. Give your hair a complete and thorough rinsing.

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

In addition to its usage as a shampoo, a do-it-yourself dandruff shampoo can also be applied to the hair in the form of a rinse. According to Reslan, “Apple cider vinegar can help remove build-up on the scalp, balance the pH level of the scalp and hair, and help close the cuticles for smoother hair.” Apple cider vinegar can also help balance the pH level of the hair. It’s possible that the vinegar will also assist wipe away dead skin cells while at the same time calming the scalp. Additionally, it is wonderful for maintaining healthy hair.

  1. Combine one part warm water with one part apple cider vinegar in a measuring cup (Note: Most people can use one cup, but those with long and thick hair may need to use one or more cups).
  2. After pouring the vinegar water over your head, massage it into your scalp and hair for three to five minutes using a light, circular motion.
  3. Do a last washing with water. You must take care to ensure that the vinegar does not get into your eyes.
  4. Rinse your hair with this solution up to two times each week until the dandruff in your hair is under control. After that, you should think about incorporating it into your regimen on a weekly or biweekly basis.

Shampoo for dandruff including lemon and sweet almond oil

The citric acid in lemon can be used as a low-cost therapy for dandruff, similarly to how vinegar can be used as a rinse. This is because citric acid is designed to assist clean the scalp of excess oil. However, Reslan points out that lemon is extremely alkaline and can cause harm to hair or sensitive scalps; therefore, the best way to acquire the benefits of citric acid is to utilize lemon essential oil rather than lemon itself. After that, apply sweet almond oil to the hair as a leave-in conditioner so that it is nourished.

  1. Combine a couple of teaspoons of sweet almond oil and a few drops of lemon essential oil in a small mixing bowl.
  2. Apply a light, circular motion to the scalp before jumping in the shower and washing it out with shampoo.
  3. Continue doing this on a daily basis until it is no longer required.

Honey-based shampoo for dandruff

Honey is antibacterial, antifungal, and gentle on the scalp, which makes it an excellent cleanser for the scalp. “Honey makes a great scalp cleanser because it’s antibacterial and antifungal,” Reslan tells us. “Using honey in a homemade anti-dandruff shampoo can balance scalp pH and eliminate flakes while leaving hair soft and shiny.”

  1. In a mug or squeeze bottle, combine one tablespoon of unprocessed raw honey with a quarter cup of water.
  2. If you want additional soothing benefits, you can also add one tablespoon of aloe vera gel to the mixture, but this step is optional.
  3. After giving the bottle a thorough shake, apply the honey shampoo to wet hair and massage for a full minute.
  4. Give it a thorough rinsing.
  5. Do this every week.

Shampoo with Coconut Oil for Dandruff

Coconut oil is a wonderful product that can be used to hydrate both the hair and the scalp. In addition, it contains essential vitamins E and K, as well as a high percentage of lauric acid, which may assist in the control of dandruff. “Coconut oil has some anti-inflammatory effects and can help hydrate [your] scalp, but you need to keep an eye on it because it won’t work as well if [your] dandruff is severe. Consult your physician as soon as possible, “says Liu.

  1. Place one part jojoba oil and one part coconut oil into a container, and mix the two oils together.
  2. As required, massage the mixture into your scalp and comb it through your hair.
  3. After massaging for a few minutes, put a shower cap on your head and leave it on for at least half an hour.
  4. After that, shampoo your hair and make sure to thoroughly rinse it.
  5. Perform this step at least once per week.

What Components You Should Search for When Purchasing Dandruff Treatments

You could be experiencing dandruff for a number of different reasons, as was mentioned earlier in this section. In order to find the most effective treatment, you must first identify the underlying cause of your condition. “Conduct an investigation into the possible reasons why dandruff developed, such as alterations in diet or the use of different products for hair care. In addition to using hair care cleansers that are formulated to cause the shedding of dead skin cells and a reduction in the growth of new cells, corrective action should be taken “advises Joseph.

It is essential to examine the components of a dandruff treatment in order to determine whether or not it will be successful in treating the condition. According to Joseph, dandruff can be effectively treated with shampoos and conditioners that contain coal tar. In order to fight dandruff, your best bet will be to look for products that contain hydrating ingredients that also have anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Browse Some of the Most Effective Dandruff Treatments Below

The fact that this scalp wash doesn’t advertise itself as an anti-dandruff treatment isn’t supported by the product’s list of ingredients. It works to remove buildup and promote a healthy scalp thanks to the inclusion of tea tree oil, witch hazel, and eucalyptus oil in the formula. The product has a pleasant tingling sensation that gives us the impression that it is working, which is accurate because it is.

Do you know that First Aid Beauty also has a line of hair care products? The company is probably best known for its extensive selection of natural and cruelty-free skin care products, but did you know that they also have a hair care line? We have found that using this Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is the most effective way to combat a dry, flaky, and/or itchy scalp. Because it is formulated with zinc pyrithione, which is antifungal, calendula, which is anti-inflammatory, and vitamin E, which is soothing, it will have you saying goodbye to dandruff in no time.

This shampoo is clinically proven to control flaking and relieve an irritated scalp, proving that it is both gentle and effective in its treatment of dandruff. Ketoconazole, which is the active component, attacks the fungus that is a contributing factor in dandruff and stops it in its tracks. Bonus: Users have reported that Nizoral was effective in clearing up their fungal acne. Just saying.