28 Healthy Snacks Your Kids Will Love

Healthy Snacks

Growing kids typically get hungry between meals.

However, the vast majority of pre-packaged snacks aimed towards children are severely detrimental to their health. They frequently contain refined flour, added sugars, and artificial substances. Often, they are loaded with all three.

You should take advantage of your child’s snack time to smuggle in some additional nutrients into their diet.

Fill your child’s stomach with whole foods that will offer them with the energy and nourishment they need, rather than snack foods that have been heavily processed.

The following is a list of kid-friendly foods that are not only nutritious but also mouthwatering.

  1. Greek yogurt

Because it contains a high amount of protein as well as calcium, yogurt makes for an ideal option for a snack for children. Calcium is especially crucial for the growth and development of children’s bones.

Additionally, certain yogurts have live bacteria, which is beneficial to the digestive system.

The majority of yogurts that are sold to children contain a lot of sugar. Instead, go for a full-fat, plain yogurt and add a few pieces of fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey to sweeten it up.

However, it is imperative that you do not offer honey to infants who are younger than one year old as they have an increased probability of contracting a life-threatening sickness known as botulism.

  1. Popcorn

It’s possible that you think of popcorn as a junk snack, but in reality, it’s a nutritious whole grain.

Popcorn has the potential to be a nutritious snack for children so long as it is not loaded down with bad toppings. Make your own popcorn using an air popper, then drizzle it with some melted butter and finish it off with some grated Parmesan cheese.

However, use extreme caution when giving popcorn to smaller children because it poses a risk of choking if the kernels are too large.

  1. Celery covered in peanut butter and sprinkled with raisins

An enjoyable technique to encourage your youngster to consume vegetables is to combine peanut butter and raisins with celery. This combination is commonly referred to as “ants on a log.”

One stalk of celery should be cut into three or four pieces, peanut butter should be put within the celery pieces, and a few raisins should be arranged on top of the peanut butter.

The combination of these three foods offers a healthy proportion of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Simply make sure you purchase peanut butter that does not contain any additional sugar or vegetable oils.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are an excellent source of healthful fats, as well as fiber and antioxidants, due to their high content. Children need a certain amount of fat in their diet to ensure proper development. In the past, medical professionals advised parents to keep nuts away from their children because of the potential for allergic reactions. However, more recent research suggests that introducing nuts to children at a younger age may reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

However, nuts present a risk of choking, therefore before providing them to your child as a snack, you should make sure they are able to manage the consistency of nuts.

  1. Trail mix

Trail mix is an excellent option for youngsters to take as a nutritious snack when they are on the run, provided that they do not have an allergy to nuts.

The vast majority of trail mixes sold in stores contain chocolate candies, which have a high sugar content; nevertheless, it is simple to make your own at home.

To make a version that is better for you, combine cereal with whole grains, dried fruit, and nuts.

  1. Pears cut into slices and served with ricotta cheese

When they are cut into slices, pears are a delicious dessert that even the youngest child may easily consume. Pears are an excellent source of fiber as well as other healthy plant chemicals.

Ricotta cheese, which is a delicious source of protein and calcium, can be spread over each slice of bread that your child eats as a snack.

  1. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a type of fresh cheese that is rich in cream and is so mild in texture that even infants may eat it.

It is an excellent source of calcium, as well as a decent source of selenium, vitamin B12, and protein. Children need enough amounts of vitamin B12 in order to achieve optimal growth and mental maturation.

You can serve cottage cheese on its own, top it with fresh or dried fruit, or use it as a spread over whole-wheat toast. All of these preparations are delicious options.

  1. Oatmeal

Kids can have oatmeal for breakfast, which is fantastic for them, but it also makes a wonderful snack.

Oats contain a high concentration of soluble fiber, which, among its many other positive effects on health, boosts the population of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract.

Make your oatmeal with whole, rolled oats instead of flavored packets, which have a lot of added sugar in them. To sweeten the dish, stir in about an eighth of a teaspoon of cinnamon and some diced apples.

If you prepare the oats with milk rather than water, you will end up with a higher protein and calcium content in the final product.

  1. a little square of cheese

The majority of cheese’s composition consists of protein and fat, and it is also an excellent provider of calcium.

According to a number of studies, consuming cheese and other types of dairy products is associated with higher overall diet quality.

A child’s dietary needs for calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A and D can be met to a substantial extent by consuming dairy meals that include the full amount of milk fat.

Cheese is a good source of high-quality protein for children, which is essential for their healthy development. They will also experience less hunger between meals thanks to the protein.

In addition to this, a number of studies have found that youngsters who consume cheese have a lower risk of developing cavities.

  1. Veggie pita pocket

There are some parents who believe it is challenging to convince their children to consume vegetables. However, if you engage them in an activity that they enjoy, they are more likely to try the vegetables.

A whole-wheat pita pocket should have some hummus spread on it, and then raw vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, and bell peppers should be sliced up and placed on top. Give your kid the opportunity to pick out some vegetables and stuff the pita.

Many children do not consume enough vegetables, despite the fact that they are an excellent source of vital vitamins and minerals.

  1. Fruit smoothie

A fruit smoothie is an excellent method for cramming a large quantity of nutrients into a relatively modest snack.

A smoothie is another great vehicle for hiding vegetables. Because of the natural sweetness of the fruit, it’s possible that your child won’t even notice that the vegetables are present.

Instead of using fruit juice, which is heavy in sugar, opt for whole, fresh products instead.

There are an infinite number of flavor combinations that you may experiment with, but to get you started, here is one smoothie recipe to try:

Smoothie made of berries

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Two cups’ worth of fresh spinach (60 grams total)
  • Two cups or three hundred grams worth of frozen berries
  • A plain yogurt measuring one cup (240 ml)
  • One cup (240 ml) of unsweetened almond milk or whole milk
  • One spoonful and twenty grams of honey

Put all of the ingredients in a blender and process them until they are completely smooth.

  1. Hard-boiled eggs

Eggs that have been hard boiled are a convenient source of protein that should be stored in the refrigerator.

Eggs are a delicious and healthy option for a snack for children because they are packed with protein. They are a good source of high-quality protein in addition to a number of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, riboflavin, and selenium.

They are also one of the few foods that include the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are both helpful to eye health. In addition, they are one of the few foods that contain the antioxidant lutein.

Choline is an essential vitamin for healthy brain development, and the foods listed below are among the greatest providers of this nutrient.

  1. Banana oat biscuits

Banana cookies cooked from scratch make a delicious and nutritious treat that may be given to children.

The sweetness of these cookies is not derived from processed sugar but rather from mashed bananas.

Sugars that have been refined are linked to a number of adverse health effects in children, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity in childhood, and type 2 diabetes.

Banana oat cookies


  • 3 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1/3 cup (80 ml) of coconut oil
  • Two cups’ worth of rolled oats (about 160 grams)
  • A half a cup (80–90 grams) of chocolate chips, tiny or otherwise, or dried fruit
  • One teaspoon (five milliliters) of vanilla extract

In a bowl, combine all of the ingredients. Put rounded tablespoonful’s of the cookie dough onto a baking sheet that has been oiled, and bake for 15–20 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).

  1. Raisin snack packets

Raisins are dried grapes. They include almost all of the nutrients that can be found in fresh grapes, but they come in a more compact package.

Raisins have a sufficient quantity of the mineral iron, which is deficient in the diets of a great number of young infants. Iron is essential for the transportation of oxygen throughout the body.

In addition, raisins contain a variety of plant chemicals, one of which is called oleanolic acid, which may help prevent cavities in your child’s teeth by preventing bacteria from attaching to the teeth.

Raisin snack packs are a convenient option for a grab-and-go snack that is far more nutritious than the majority of other convenience foods.

  1. a roll stuffed with turkey and avocado

A roll-up made with turkey and avocado makes for a convenient and nutritious snack option.

Protein, which is essential for the growth and maintenance of all of your body’s tissues, can be found in plentiful supply in turkey. In addition to this, it is very filling, which assist in making children can feel satisfied in between meals.

Avocados include a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to one’s cardiovascular health, including heart-healthy fats, fiber, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, several different antioxidants, and the vitamins C and K.

To begin making a roll-up using turkey and avocado, first peel and slice an avocado. To prevent the slices from turning brown, mix them gently in lime juice. Each slice of avocado should have a piece of turkey wrapped around it.

  1. Sweet potato fries baked in the oven

Beta-carotene is a nutrient that can be turned into vitamin A by your body, and sweet potatoes are one of the finest sources of beta-carotene that you can find. It has a role in maintaining healthy eyes and skin.

Fries made from baked sweet potatoes are a healthier alternative to traditional french fries that can be made at home.

Fries made of sweet potatoes


  • One sweet potato, freshly baked
  • One teaspoon, or five milliliters, of olive oil
  • Sea salt

Prepare the sweet potato by peeling and slicing it. Toss the potato with olive oil and season it with a pinch of salt after you’ve done so. Bake for twenty minutes on a baking sheet at 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 degrees Celsius).

  1. Pickles

Cucumbers are the primary ingredient of pickles, which are cucumbers that have been fermented using salt and water.

They are an excellent supply of vitamin K, and certain brands also include probiotic bacteria, which are beneficial to the digestive system.

Look in the refrigerator section of the grocery store for pickles containing living cultures, as vinegar-based pickles do not have any probiotics. Vinegar-based pickles do not contain probiotics.

Steer clear of sweet pickles because of the excessive amount of added sugars they contain.

  1. Chips made from kale

As a result of its high nutrient density and relatively low caloric load, kale is frequently referred to as a “superfood.” In point of fact, all the vitamin A, C, and K that a youngster needs in a single day can be obtained from just one cup (65 grams) of kale.

The majority of children will not jump at the chance to consume this leafy green raw, but kale chips are a delicious snack that could change your child’s attitude about eating this leafy green.

Crisps made from kale.


  • One modest-sized bunch of kale
  • One tablespoon (or 15 ml) of extra-virgin olive oil
  • One teaspoon of dried minced garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt

After it has been washed and dried completely, the kale should be torn into smaller pieces. Toss it in the olive oil and the seasonings until it is well coated. Spread it out on a baking sheet and bake it for 10–12 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Keep a close eye on the oven since the kale can catch fire very easily.

  1. Carrot sticks with hummus and pita chips

The vast majority of children enjoy dipping foods, and offering them a tasty and nutritious dip is an excellent approach to encourage them to consume their vegetables.

One choice available is hummus. Chickpeas are used to make a spread that is dense and creamy. Chickpeas are a good source of fiber, folate, and several antioxidants.

Carrot sticks and other raw veggies go deliciously with hummus and bring out its full flavor.

  1. Energy balls

Energy balls have the flavor of cookie dough, but they are produced with healthy, whole foods instead of just cookie dough.

Either ground flax or whole chia seeds can be used to prepare these nutritious snacks; both options provide a good source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants.

They are a more natural and less processed alternative to traditional granola bars, which typically contain a lot of added sugar and other unnatural ingredients.

Energy balls


  • One cup or eighty grams of rolled oats
  • One-third of a cup (115 grams) of honey that has not been strained
  • A 125-gram portion (half a cup) of almond butter
  • One half a cup of ground flax seeds or one hundred and fifty grams of whole chia seeds (110 grams)
  • One teaspoon (five milliliters) of vanilla extract
  • Half a cup or 80 grams of assorted dried fruits

In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients and mix well. Make bite-sized balls out of the mixture, then place them in the refrigerator. Alternately, you might replace the dried fruit with chopped dark chocolate chips for a delicious dessert.

  1. Bell peppers and guacamole

Bell peppers have a naturally sweet flavor and are an excellent source of nutrition. They are a valuable resource for dietary fiber, vitamin C, and carotenoid antioxidants.

Carotenoids are plant components that offer a variety of health benefits, one of which is the promotion of healthy eyes.

Guacamole is a spread that is produced from mashed avocados and has a creamy consistency. Bell peppers taste excellent when dipped in guacamole.

  1. Crackers made with whole grains and nut butter

You may make your own sandwich crackers by putting a little nut butter, such as almond butter, on whole-grain crackers. This will give the crackers a sandwich-like texture. This munchies provides a satisfactory proportion of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

However, you should be careful when selecting crackers for your children. The majority of crackers contain refined flour, hydrogenated oils, and even sugar in their ingredient lists.

Choose crackers that are made entirely of healthy grains and seeds as an alternative.

  1. A portion of some fruit

A slice of fruit can serve as a quick, easy, and nutritious snack for children.

The majority of fruits are excellent sources of fiber in addition to other vital elements such as potassium, vitamins A and C. (40Trusted Source).

The following are some examples of fruits that are suitable for use as on-the-go snacks: bananas, apples, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, and plums.

Fruits such as pineapple, cantaloupe, and mango can be cut into bite-size pieces and stored in compact containers for a snack that is both healthy and easy.

  1. Peanut butter and banana quesadilla

Peanut butter and banana quesadillas are a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional quesadillas.

You may provide your child with a source of nutritious fats as well as some protein by feeding them peanut butter.

Bananas are an excellent food choice for their high potassium content, vitamin B6 content, and fiber content.

Peanut butter and bananas make for a delicious treat when combined in this straightforward recipe.

Peanut butter and banana quesadilla


  • One tortilla made with whole wheat
  • Two tablespoons or thirty grams of peanut butter
  • 1/2 of a banana
  • An eighteenth of a teaspoon of cinnamon

The peanut butter should be spread evenly throughout the entire tortilla. The banana was cut into slices, which were then arranged in a pattern on one half of the tortilla. After the cinnamon has been sprinkled over the bananas, fold the tortilla in half to make a sandwich. Before serving, cut it into triangles with a sharp knife.

  1. Olives

Olives include a high concentration of beneficial fats and are also an excellent source of the powerful antioxidants that shield your body from the potentially detrimental effects of chemicals known as free radicals. Olives are a pliable food that are simple to chew for children. Make sure you get ones that already have the pit removed or remove the pit yourself before feeding them to children.

The flavor of each kind is distinctive unto itself. Black olives have a flavor that is not as strong as other types of olives, therefore they are a good choice to introduce your youngster to olives.

  1. A dip made of peanut butter and apples

The mix of apple slices and peanut butter makes for a tasty snack.

Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that may be found in apple skins. It is known to aid digestive health by feeding beneficial bacteria in the stomach.

Because of its dense texture, peanut butter can be challenging for children to utilize as a dipping sauce because of the potential for spillage.

Apple slices can be dipped in a smooth and creamy peanut butter sauce that is made by combining two tablespoons (30 grams) of peanut butter with a little amount of plain, full-fat yogurt.

  1. Frozen fruit popsicles

Popsicles made from frozen fruit are a delicious and relatively nutritious dessert option for children.

The majority of popsicles that can be purchased in stores contain artificial flavors as well as refined sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.

However, it is simple to construct your own, and your children might take pleasure in assisting you.

Use a blender to make a smooth purée of frozen fruit or berries along with a touch of fruit juice. The mixture can be frozen in Popsicle molds or in individual plastic cups. Wrap in aluminum foil, then push a Popsicle stick through the foil and into each of the popsicle molds. Freeze overnight.

  1. One-half of a sandwich (optional)

It is not necessary to limit the consumption of sandwiches to just mealtimes. A child-friendly version of a sandwich cut in half can also serve as a nutritious snack.

To make a sandwich that is both nutritious and appetizing, you should begin by selecting whole-wheat bread as your base, then select a source of protein, and if at all feasible, incorporate a fruit or vegetable.

The following are some examples of sandwich fillings that are nutritious:

  • Apples finely cut and topped with cheddar cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese with tomato slices
  • A spread of peanut butter and sliced bananas
  • Turkey, Swiss cheese, and pickles on the side
  • Ricotta cheese combined with vegetables that have been coarsely chopped
  • An egg that has been hard-boiled, an avocado, and a tomato
  • Pieces of cucumber accompanied by cream cheese

The bare essentials

Many kids get hungry between meals.

A healthy snack can provide your kids with energy and help them get the nutrients they need on a daily basis.

At snack time, rather than giving your children prepackaged snack items, give them foods that are unprocessed and whole.