The Benefits of Dynamic Stretching and How to Get Started

Benefits of Dynamic Stretching

What exactly is meant by “dynamic stretching”?

Active stretches, also known as dynamic stretches, involve moving the joints and muscles through their complete range of motion. They might be utilized to assist in getting your body warmed up prior to engaging in physical activity.

The movements that you will be performing in the activity or sport that you are about to participate in can be mimicked by performing dynamic stretches. Before entering the water, a swimmer might, for instance, rotate their arms in a circular motion.

Before beginning any kind of exercise, you should warm up your muscles with a series of dynamic stretches. Dynamic stretches can also be thought of as a series of movements. Exercises such as twisting the trunk, walking lunges, and leg swings against a wall are some examples.

The difference between dynamic and static stretching

Stretching in a dynamic manner is distinct from stretching in a static manner.

Stretches that get the body moving are called dynamic stretches. The stretches are not held for any significant amount of time at any point. Stretches that involve movement, such as lunges with a torso twist, are known as dynamic stretches.

On the other hand, a static stretch is one in which the muscle is extended and kept in that position for a set amount of time. Triceps stretches and butterfly stretches are two examples of stretches that are considered to be static.

When to utilize more dynamic stretching techniques

Before beginning any type of fitness routine, it is a good idea to warm up with some dynamic stretching. It has the potential to assist in warming up your body or in getting your muscles active and prepared for action. The following are some examples of activities that could benefit from dynamic stretches:

  • Prior to participation in sports or athletics. Researchers have found that athletes who would be engaging in activities that require running or jumping, such as basketball players, soccer players, and sprinters, may benefit from performing dynamic stretches.
  • Prior to doing any weightlifting. When compared to static stretching or not stretching at all, research from Trusted Source suggests that dynamic stretching may aid enhance performance and leg extension power more so than static stretching or not stretching at all.
  • Before cardiovascular exercise. Dynamic activities can get your muscles warmed up and ready, which can potentially improve performance and lessen the risk of injury. This is true whether you’re going to be running, participating in boot camp, or swimming.

Stretches with movement for the purpose of warming up

Before beginning an exercise routine, you should warm up with some dynamic stretching. The following are some examples of moves that might be included in a dynamic stretching routine.

Hip circles

  1. Start by standing on one leg while holding on for support to a countertop or a wall.
  2. Move one of your legs out to the side and swing the other one around in little circles.
  3. Complete twenty circuits and then switch legs.
  4. As your flexibility increases, progress to wider and larger circles.

Alternating lunges with a twist.

  1. Bring your right leg forward into a lunge position while maintaining a position in which your knee is directly over your ankle and does not extend any further than your ankle.
  2. Extend your left arm into the air and bend your torso to the right so that you are facing the right side.
  3. To return to a standing position in which you are erect, bring your right leg back behind you. Put your left leg in front of you and lunge forward.
  4. Perform the exercise a total of five times on each leg.

Arm circles

  1. Position your feet so that they are shoulder-width apart and your arms so that they are out to the side and at shoulder height. 2.
  2. Make a leisurely circle around your arms, starting with smaller circles and then working your way up to larger ones. Carry out 20 revolutions.
  3. Turn the rings counterclockwise and complete another 20 repetitions.

Stretches with a dynamic element for runners

Warming up with some dynamic stretches might be beneficial for runners. The following are some stretching exercises that are suggested for runners.

Large arm circles

  1. Assume a standing position and bring your arms out to the sides of your body.
  2. Begin by drawing huge circles in the sand.
  3. Perform five to ten repetitions with your arms moving forward in a swinging motion.
  4. Perform the move again while swinging your arms backward.

Leg pendulum

  1. While maintaining your balance on the other leg, begin to move one leg back and forth while keeping the other leg still. If necessary, you can use a wall for support.
  2. Repeat steps 1 and 2 a total of five to ten times.
  3. Lower that leg and repeat steps 2 and 2 with the opposite leg, swinging back and forth between 5 and 10 times.
  4. After that, you can turn your back to the wall and swing your legs in a side-to-side motion if you so choose.

Jog to get to the quad stretch.

  1. Begin by running in place for between two and three seconds.
  2. To stretch out the quadriceps, reach behind one leg and get hold of the foot of the other leg. Hold for two to three seconds.
  3. Jog for two to three seconds after you’ve stopped.
  4. Perform the same stretching motions with the other leg.
  5. Repeat steps 5–10 as necessary.

Stretches with a dynamic element for the upper body

Before working out your upper body, such as before weightlifting, you could find it beneficial to engage in some dynamic stretching. You might want to give the following dynamic stretches a try.

Arm swings

  1. Position yourself in a forward leaning stance with your arms outstretched in front of you at shoulder height with your palms facing downward.
  2. While moving forward, swing both arms to the right; your left arm should reach in front of your chest, and your right arm should extend out to the side of your body. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. When you swing your arms, it is important to remember to keep your torso looking in the same direction and to simply spin your shoulder joints.
  3. While you continue going, switch the swing’s orientation so that it moves to the opposite side.
  4. Perform this step five times on each side.

Spinal twists and turns

  1. Position your feet so that they are shoulder-width apart and bring your arms out to the sides of your body at shoulder height. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  2. Keep your torso steady and slowly begin to spin your body from right to left, moving in a counterclockwise direction.
  3. Iterate between 5 and 10 times.

Is it possible to employ dynamic stretching as a method of cooling down?

It is recommended to conduct dynamic stretches as part of a warm-up routine; however, it is not essential to do so as part of a cool-down routine. Your core temperature will rise as you perform dynamic stretches. The purpose of a cooldown is to bring down your internal body temperature.

Instead, you should try out some static stretches like a hamstring stretch, a cobra stretch, or a quadriceps stretch.

Is it safe to do dynamic stretches?

In the event that your physician or physical therapist advises you to do so, you should never practice dynamic stretches while you are injured.

When performing dynamic stretches, older adults (over the age of 65) should also exercise caution. It’s possible that static stretches are more useful.

Gymnastics, ballet, and yoga are all examples of activities that need flexibility, therefore static stretching may be more effective for these activities.

The main point to be learned

You should try include some dynamic stretches in your warmup the next time you go to the gym or play sports. It’s possible that after stretching, your body will feel more invigorated, stretched out, and ready to carry you through the rest of your workout. Just keep in mind that you should see your physician before beginning any new form of physical activity.