8 Stretches to Do before Bed

Stretches Do Before Bed

Stretching is one of the natural sleep remedies that is sometimes disregarded. Other natural sleep remedies include drinking chamomile tea and diffusing essential oils. However, performing this one easy task could help you fall asleep more quickly and increase the quality of your sleep.

An analysis of previous research published in 2016 discovered a correlation between practicing contemplative activities (such as tai chi and yoga) and having better quality sleep. Improved quality of sleep was connected to an even higher improvement in overall life satisfaction.

But why does stretching have such an impact on a person’s ability to sleep? It’s probably a combination of many factors.

To begin, stretching helps you get in touch with your body, which in turn directs your attention away from the stresses of the day and toward your breath and your body. This awareness of your body helps you develop mindfulness, and it has been shown that mindfulness can help promote better sleep, so keep that in mind as you try to get some shut-eye tonight.

Additionally, stretching may offer potential physical benefits, including the alleviation of muscle tension and the prevention of cramps that disrupt sleep. Be sure to limit yourself to gentle stretches, however, as engaging in strenuous activity right before bed can have the opposite effect.

The following are eight different stretches that you should incorporate into your nightly routine.

  1. A warm embrace

Your rhomboids and trapezius muscles in your upper back will get a good workout from this stretch. It is beneficial for people who suffer from discomfort or pain in their shoulder blades as a result of poor posture, bursitis, or frozen shoulder.

In order to perform this stretch:

  1. Take a deep breath in as you open your arms wide and then stand up straight.
  2. Let out an exhalation as you give yourself a hug by crossing your arms and laying your right arm over your left and your left arm over your right as you do so.
  3. Take several deep breaths as you bring your shoulders closer together and forward by using your hands.
  4. Maintain this position for the next thirty seconds.
  5. As you exhale to release, spread your arms wide and open them back up.
  6. Let your breath out, then repeat the previous step with your left arm on top.
  7. Neck stretches

The stress in your head, neck, and shoulders will begin to melt away as you perform these stretches. When completing them, make it a point to concentrate on keeping a decent posture.

To perform these stretches in order:

  1. Take a seat in something that’s nice and cozy. Place the palm of your right hand on the top of your head or next to your left ear.
  2. Move your right ear towards your right shoulder in a slow and gentle manner, and hold this posture for a count of five breaths.
  3. Perform the same steps on the other side.
  4. While keeping the rest of your body facing forward, rotate your torso so that you are looking over your right shoulder.
  5. Maintain this position for the duration of five breaths.
  6. Perform the same steps on the other side.
  7. Bring your chin to your chest and keep it there for five breaths as you inhale and exhale normally.
  8. Come back to a neutral stance and let your head hang back naturally for a count of five while you breathe normally.
  9. Kneeling lat stretch

This stretch can help loosen up the muscles in your back and shoulders, which may relieve any discomfort or soreness you may be experiencing.

In order to perform this stretch:

  1. Kneel down in front of a chair, couch, or low table and clasp your hands behind your head.
  2. Ensure that your knees are positioned such that they are directly over your hips. For supplemental support, you can prop yourself up on a blanket or cushion.
  3. Extend your spine as you fold forward at the hips and place your forearms on the surface with your palms facing each other. While you are doing this, hinge at the hips.
  4. Maintain this position for the next thirty seconds.
  5. Perform the previous step one to three times.
  6. Assuming the position of a child

Child’s Pose is a restorative stretch that is analogous to a lat stretch performed kneeling, but with a greater emphasis on relaxation. It is ideal for helping you focus on your breath, unwinding your body, and lowering your stress levels. In addition to this, it assists in reducing discomfort and stress in the back, shoulders, and neck areas of the body.

In order to perform this stretch:

  1. Get down on your hands and knees and sit with your back against your heels.
  2. Bend forward from the hips until your forehead is resting on the floor, and then hinge back at the hips.
  3. Either draw your arms in close to your body or extend them in front of you so that they may support your neck. If you need additional support, you can try placing a pillow or cushion beneath your thighs or on your forehead.
  4. While maintaining the pose, take a deep breath in through your nose and direct your attention to any places of soreness or tightness in your back.
  5. Maintain this position for up to five full minutes. You can also come into this posture in between other stretches to give your body a respite. Doing so will help you get the most out of your practice.
  6. Low lunge

Your hips, thighs, and groin will all benefit from the stretch provided by this lunge. The release of tension and pain in this region, as well as in your back and shoulders, can be accomplished by opening your chest. When you are holding this pose, you should work on remaining calm and not putting too much pressure on yourself.

In order to perform this stretch:

  1. Get into a low lunge position with your right foot placed just below your right knee and your left leg extended behind you while maintaining contact with the floor with your left knee.
  2. Bring your hands down to the ground beneath your shoulders, or place them on your knees, or bring them up to the ceiling.
  3. Take long, deep breaths while bringing your attention to elongating your spine and opening your chest.
  4. Perceive a line of energy radiating outward from the top of your head via the crown of your head.
  5. Remain in this position until the count of five breaths.
  6. Perform the same steps on the other side.
  7. A bend forward while seated

Your spine, shoulders, and hamstrings will all benefit from this stretch’s ability to relax them up. In addition to that, it stretches out your lower back.

In order to perform this stretch:

  1. Begin by taking a seat and extending both of your legs in front of you.
  2. Contract your abdominal muscles just a little bit to elongate your spine and press your sit bones firmly into the ground.
  3. Fold forward from the hips, extending your arms in front of you as you do so, and hinge at the hips.
  4. Unwind your shoulders and tuck your chin into your chest while you relax your head.
  5. Maintain this position for up to five full minutes.
  6. Position with the legs up the wall

This is a restorative position that helps to alleviate tension in your back, shoulders, and neck while also fostering relaxation in your body as a whole.

In order to perform this stretch:

  1. Place the right side of your body up against a wall while you are seated.
  2. Lie on your back and swing your legs up against the wall while keeping your back straight.
  3. Your hips can either be pressed against the wall or just a few inches away from it. Select the distance that affords you the greatest sense of ease. You can also support your hips and give yourself a bit of elevation by placing a cushion underneath them.
  4. Put your arms in a posture that is comfortable for you.
  5. Hold this position for as long as you can, up to ten minutes.
  6. Position of the bound angle while reclining

This soothing hip opener can help reduce muscle tension in your hips and groin, making it an especially useful practice for people who spend the majority of their waking hours seated.

In order to perform this stretch:

  1. Find a comfortable sitting position on the ground and bring the bottoms of your feet together.
  2. Put your hands behind your back and lean back so that your head, neck, and back are all on the floor. For additional support, you might place cushions or pillows beneath your knees or on your head.
  3. Position your arms in a manner that is most comfortable to you.
  4. As you take deep breaths, bring your attention to relaxing your hips and thighs.
  5. Remain in this position for five to ten minutes.