Benefits of hot yoga

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5 amazing health benefits of hot yoga:

Yoga originated centuries ago and has been evolving ever since. Recently, hot yoga is becoming more popular in the West.

In addition to the various health benefits of traditional yoga, such as flexibility, increased muscle endurance, and reducing stress, hot yoga offers intense exercise that burns calories, lowers blood sugar, improves skin, and more. Helps to do a lot.

Hot yoga has become a popular exercise in recent years. It offers many benefits like traditional yoga, such as stress reduction, improved strength, and flexibility.

But, as the heat builds up, warm yoga has the potential to give your heart, lungs, and muscles, even more, more intense exercise.

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Are you interested in learning more about how to benefit from hot yoga? This article will give you a closer look at what this sweaty exercise can do for you and how you can get started.

This is where you will learn about the benefits of hot yoga.

What is hot yoga?

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You may hear the terms “hot yoga” and “Bikram yoga” being used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same.

Bikram Yoga, developed by a yogi named Bikram Chaudhary, is performed in a warm room at 105 ° F (41 ° C) with 40% humidity. It consists of 26 poses and two breathing exercises in the same order in each class. Bikram yoga sessions usually last 90 minutes.

What are the benefits of hot yoga?

Yoga involves some poses and stretches that relax tight muscles and release trigger points. The arteries begin to dilate in a warm environment, which improves blood flow to various tissues and muscles.

To get the most out of this, it is important to do warm yoga properly. Here are some benefits of hot yoga:

 1- Burn calories

Heat can help burn more calories. Traditional yoga can burn about 183 calories per hour. Research has shown that yoga exercises help people lose weight.

During a hot yoga session, calorie burn can reach 330 for women and 460 for men.

Hot yoga exercises will burn more calories than traditional yoga. The hot studio makes you sweat more.

As your body’s metabolism increases, so does your blood circulation. Overall, your body and muscles are more engaged in hot yoga.

A person weighing 160 pounds can burn 183 calories per hour through conventional yoga. Increasing the heat can help you burn even more calories.

According to researchers at Colorado State University, a 90-minute Bikram yoga session can burn up to 460 calories for men and 330 for women.

Hot yoga, even if it is not as intense as the Bikram session, burns more calories than traditional yoga exercises.

2. Improves flexibility.

You already know that stretching your muscles after warming them up is safer than stretching cold muscles.

Therefore, it follows that an environment like a hot yoga studio can make yoga poses easier and more effective. The heat allows you to move a little and gain a greater range of motion.

A study of Bikram Yoga’s 2013 trusted source found that after 8 weeks, yoga participants had more flexibility in the back, shoulders, and hamstring than the control group.

3- It is good for depression.

According to the American Psychological Association, yoga and meditation are good for reducing the symptoms of depression.

Wars can have negative effects on human beings. Veterans often have to deal with depression when they return home.

A study in Military Medicine found that yoga improved depression and mood in veterans. Each session was 60 minutes long, with participants doing yoga, meditation, and breathing.

Another study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that hot yoga effectively reduced the symptoms of depression in middle-aged women.

Yoga is known as a technique to help you relax and improve your mood. According to the American Psychological Association, it may also be helpful in reducing the symptoms of depression.

Furthermore, a 2017 review of 23 different studies from a reliable source that focused on yoga as a treatment for depression concluded that yoga is an effective way to reduce the symptoms of depression.

  1. Builds bone density.

Supporting your weight during yoga poses can help increase bone density. This is especially important for older adults and premenopausal women, as bone density decreases with age.

A 2014 study of people who participated in Bikram Yoga for 5 years found that pre-menopausal women increased bone density in their neck, hips, and lower back.

This convinces the study’s authors that Bikram yoga may be an effective option in reducing the risk of osteoporosis in women.

After menopause, women’s bone volume decreases by about 50%. It is common for bone density to decrease with age.

According to a study, women who practiced hot yoga for more than five years had increased bone density in the neck, lower back, and hips. The warmer climates reduced the effects of osteoporosis in women, thus preventing bone loss.

5. Reduces stress.

Many people turn to yoga as a natural way to deal with stress.

In a 2018 study, a reliable source of stress-stricken, physically disabled adults found that a 16-week program of hot yoga significantly reduced participants’ stress levels.

At the same time, it improves their health and quality of life, as well as their self-efficacy – the belief that you have control over your behavior and social environment.

Tension is very common among Americans. Yoga is known for its effective role in reducing stress. And thus, it is quite popular among many people.

Hot yoga is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, and the main concern of most practitioners is stress reduction.

Yoga mediates the inner journey and helps to deal with external factors that cause stress. The combination of warmth and deep breathing calms the body and mind.

Americans are reported to be among the most stressed people in the world.

A research project on a sample of 51 healthy participants looked at the effects of 8 weeks of Bikram Yoga on stress as well as mindfulness and overall physical fitness.

The Perseverance Stress Scale (PSS) was used to assess participants, and there was a significant reduction in stress levels after a series of warm yoga sessions.

The small sample used in the study and the uncontrollable nature of the research meant that it had large limitations but the results were still considered significant.