Best workout schedule

workout routines for men

Best workout schedule:

With benefits such as better quality sleep, a boost in brainpower, and increased levels of happiness, it’s no wonder why exercise is such an important part of your daily routine. The fact that you’re getting up and out is a win in itself, but science and experts agree: There are loads of benefits to diversifying your workout plan, including avoiding injury.

“Variety is the spice of fitness,” says Adam Rosante, celebrity strength, and nutrition coach. “One of the surest ways to hit a plateau is to do the same workout over and over.”

While it’s not for everyone, you can work out every single day if you want to forgo a rest day — as long as you do so smartly. This means caring for your body as you go and not overdoing it. “You can do cardio or strength training seven days a week if you want to,” says Dennis Cardone, D.O., chief of primary care sports medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. “Especially if you’re not doing max lifts and opting for smaller sets of 10-or-so reps.” (And be sure you’re hitting that foam roller after each workout.) Your gym workout routine must be set in sync with your purpose. Whether you plan to shed the extra weight gained during the work-from-home era, or the purpose is to tone your body, it is important that you begin in a planned manner.

The internet is filled with a number of workout plans for men. But it’s important to note that the body structure of every person is not the same. The workout routine for men may be standardized to a certain limit, however, minor tweaks as per your physiology are crucial. One must not put too much load if following a gym routine for the first time. On the other hand, following a workout plan that is less effective than a regular gym goes would show no results.

This leaves us with a painful question, how would one determine with which routine to select? Here is how you can select from a beginner routine, an advanced routine, or an intermediate routine.

2 week training schedule to lose fat 05 700xh


  • Week 1:Full-body split
  • Week 2:Two-day split: Upper body/Lower body
  • Week 3:Three-day split: Push/Pull/Legs
  • Week 4:Four-day split: Full body


You’ll begin the program with a full-body training split, meaning you’ll train all major body parts in each workout (as opposed to “splitting up” your training). Train three days this first week, performing just one exercise per body part in each session. It’s important that you have a day of rest between each workout to allow your body to recover; this makes training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday—with Saturday and Sunday being rest days—a good approach.

The exercises list

Week 1 is a collection of basic moves that, while also used by advanced lifters, we feel are suitable for the beginner as well. Notice we’re not starting you off with only machine exercises; a handful of free-weight movements are present right off the bat. The reason is, that these are the exercises you need to master for long-term gains in muscular size and strength, so you may as well start learning them now. Carefully read all exercise descriptions before attempting them yourself.

In Week 1 you’ll perform three sets of every exercise per workout, which over the course of the week adds up to nine sets total for each body part, a good starting volume for your purposes. With the exception of crunches for abs, you’ll do 8–12 reps per set. This rep scheme is widely considered ideal for achieving gains in muscle size (the scientific term is hypertrophy) and is commonly employed by amateur and pro bodybuilders alike.


You’re only a week into the program, yet you’ll begin to train different body parts on different days with a two-day training split (meaning the entire body is trained over the course of two days, rather than one as in the first week). You’ll train a total of four days this week; the split includes two upper-body days (Monday and Thursday) and two lower-body days (Tuesday and Friday), and each body part is trained twice. Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday will be your recovery days. Several exercises from Week 1 are carried over to Week 2, but one move is added to each body part routine—with the exception of abs—so you can train all muscle groups more completely from multiple angles. Chest, for example, includes two exercises: One is a compound movement (dumbbell bench press) that involves multiple joints (both the shoulder and elbow) to work the largest amount of muscle possible, and the other is an isolation exercise (dumbbell flye) that involves only one joint (shoulder)  and targets the pecs to a greater extent. (When doing presses for the chest, the deltoids and triceps are involved to a degree, meaning presses don’t isolate the pecs as much as flyes do.)


In the third week of the program we step it up to a three-day training split: Train all “pushing” body parts (chest, shoulders, triceps) on Day 1; hit the “pulling” body parts (back, biceps) and abs on Day 2; and work your lower body (quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves) on Day 3. As in Week 2, you train each body part twice a week, so you’ll hit the gym six days this week.

One new exercise

exercise is added to each body part routine to provide even more angles from which to train your target muscles to promote complete development. You’ll hit each muscle group with two exercises of 3­–4 sets each: four sets for large body parts (chest, back, shoulders, quads, hamstrings) and three sets for smaller body parts (biceps, triceps, abs, calves). The result is 16 total sets for the week for large body parts and 12 sets total for smaller ones—again, working in the 8–15-rep range—which is a substantial increase in volume from Week 1.


In the fourth and final week of the program, you’ll train for four days in a four-way split that hits each body part just once (except for calves and abs, which are each trained twice). Four-day splits are common among experienced lifters because they involve training fewer body parts (typically 2–3) per workout, which gives each muscle group ample attention and allows you to train with higher volume. As you’ll see, chest and triceps are paired up, as are back with biceps and quads with hamstrings, each a very common pairing among novice and advanced bodybuilders Shoulders are trained more or less on their own, and you’ll alternate hitting calves and abs—which respond well to being trained multiple times per week—every other workout. No new exercises are introduced in Week 4 so that you can focus on intensity in your workouts instead of learning new movements.

Legs Workout

Taking care of your physique is of utmost importance, especially if you are involved in a sedentary job. But even if you are a health aficionado, there is nothing wrong with upping your gym workout routine.

This write-up is aimed at giving you a clear idea of the workout routine for men. By following these workout plans for men, you are set to see visible results.


Ahead of tackling any of the workouts in this plan we highly recommend completing this gym warm-up routine.

It involves doing seven moves like downward dog walk-outs and lunges with a rotation that warms up muscles all over the body, then going into workout-specific exercises. The simplest way to do the latter is to do one or two sets of each exercise from the workout you’re about to do, using either very light dumbbells or an unloaded barbell.

Triceps dip

Grip rings or parallel bars with your arms straight. Keeping your chest up, bend your elbows to lower your body as far as your shoulders allow. Press back up powerfully to return to the start.

Standing biceps legs

Stand with dumbbells by your sides, palms facing forwards. Keeping your elbows tucked in, curl the weights up, squeezing your biceps at the top. Lower them back to the start.