

You can go in and out of the gym fast and still burn tons of fat. Trick? High-Intensity Intro Training (HIIT). Short breaks to work with your full maximum effort with short rest breaks can seriously restore your metabolism. How? This is an effect called Excess Oxygen Consumption, or EPOC, after exercise, and activating it can help maintain your metabolic rate for hours after exercise.

Basically, pushing yourself to your physical limits, even for just seconds, helps create an oxygen ‘debt’, and when it doesn’t sound like a good thing, it certainly does when you It helps to burn fat. In addition, this type of exercise stimulates fat-burning hormones such as human growth hormone (you produce large amounts of it when you are young, but produce it as you age). Decreases.) As more and more research is being done. Confirming these facts, you need to do as much HIIT exercise as possible. So, we’ve decided to include 8 amazing fat-burning breaks in our guide so you can add 8 more to your fat-fighting weapons.

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  1. Straight HIIT

This circuit consists of exercises that keep you moving forward, backward, up, and down, and focus on the front and back of the body. Hence the name, “Simple HIIT”. Repeat this circuit 3 times for a total of 15 minutes.

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High knee jump

In place, bring one knee above your chest as you press your arms into the air. Lower this leg and then bring the other knee to your chest. Alternatively, and once you feel comfortable, you can add a bounce to turn it into a high knee jump. It aims to increase your heart rate! Perform 60 seconds (30 high knees on each leg).


Beginner: Marching. Simply march one leg at a time, bringing the knee up towards your chest and pressing your arms up towards the ceiling. This is a low-impact way to get your heart rate up.


Stand with your legs as wide as your shoulders, fingers pointing forward. Pull your navy towards your spine, and then bend your knees and sit back and reach your glutes as if you were sitting in a chair. Press down with your heels and then stand back. Repeat this 10 times.


Beginner: Half squat. Perform the regular squat but only sit down halfway.

Advanced: Jump squat. Instead of pressing back up to a standing position at the end of each squat, add in a jump. When you land, softly bend your knees and then sit back into the squat. Repeat 10x.



Start with your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders. Pull your navy towards your spine and then pull your fingers down, pushing back to the plate position. Look two inches in front of you and bend your elbows to the sides so that you go down in the push-up, then press the back-up. Repeat 10 times.



Beginner: Push-ups on knees. Perform the same exercise except lower down onto your knees. Make sure your knees are slightly behind your hips (not directly underneath them) so that your body is in a straight line from your head to your knees. Repeat 10x.


Burpee. From the push-up position, do push-ups and then jump forward between your hands. Jump up to a high jump, then return to the plate position. Repeat this 10 times.

Now lower and lift

Lie on the ground, pull your navy towards your spine and lift your legs straight towards the ceiling. Lower the legs a few inches down or halfway down toward the ground, and bring them back to the starting position. Keep pressing your back to the ground during this exercise. Repeat 10 times.



Beginner: Use bent knees. Lying on your back, bend your knees so that your legs are in a tabletop position. Keeping your knees bent, lower the legs down towards the ground, and then bring them back up to the starting position. Repeat 10x.


Start on hands and knees and then press up into a plank position. Reach forward through the crown of your head and reach back through your heels while pulling your abs up and in. Hold this for 20 seconds.


Beginner: Plank on your knees. Modify the plank by lowering down onto your knees from the plank, and holding for 20 seconds.


Burpee. Perform another set of burps here to get it to a point

Sideways HIIT

This circuit consists of exercises that keep you moving from behind, to one side, and to the right and left of the body. Hence the name, “Sideways HIIT.” Repeat this circuit 3 times for a total of 15 minutes.

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Side to side runs

Stand up, jump to the right, land on the right foot, and use your abs to lift your left knee, joining the squats. Then jump to the left, land on the left foot, and pull your right knee up. Alternate between them for 60 seconds.


Beginner: Toe taps. For lower impact, stand in place and tap the right foot to the right then back to center; then tap the left foot to the left and then back to the center. Alternate for 60 seconds.

Side lounges

Stand up, keep your right foot a few feet to the right and lean back as if you were sitting in a chair with your right glute. Keep the left leg straight. Push down from the right heel to push yourself back to the starting position. Then switch to the left. Repeat 10 times on each side.



Beginner: Half-side lunge. Instead of lowering all the way down into the side lunge, lower your glute halfway down and then press back up to center.


Side lunge then jump. To step it up, side lunge to the right and then return to center, jump straight up towards the ceiling landing in a squat. Side lunge to the left and then return to center, jump straight up. Repeat 10x on each side.

Triceps dips

Sit on the ground, place your hands behind your back, and place your palms on the ground with your fingers pointing towards your butt. Press down firmly with the palms of your hands. Bend your knees in front of you, and press yourself against your legs and arms, so that your butt is hovering on the floor. Bend the elbows straight back to sink down, and then press the backup. Repeat 10 times.


Beginner: Halfway dip. Only lower down halfway before pressing back up. Repeat 10x.


Straight legs. To make this more challenging, straighten your legs out while performing the exercise.

Bicycle abs:

Lie on the floor and bring your knees to the tabletop position. Pull your navy towards your spine, and place your hands behind your head. Rotate your left elbow to your right knee, spreading the left leg at an angle of 45 degrees. Switch to the side and crunch the right elbow to the left knee as you move to the right. Do this 10 times on each side.


Beginner: Head on the ground. Keep your head placed on the ground and neck relaxed while you perform this exercise.


Legs down. To speed it up, bring the bicycle abs down to 45 degrees (close to the floor) with the extended leg to make it more difficult for the abs.kdk

Starting with the board, turn your body to the left as you balance your right hand and the outer edge of your right foot. Place your legs on top of each other, and place your left arm straight up towards the ceiling. Hold for 10 seconds, move forward on the board, and then switch sides, turn your body to the right and hold for 10 seconds.


Beginner: Side plank on knees. Come into a plank position, and then drop onto your right knee as you turn towards the left. Same as a regular side plank except you’re using your right knee as a kickstand to make this less challenging.


Lift top leg. To make this side plank more challenging, lift the top leg up off of the bottom leg and suspend it in the air while in the side plank.