Weight loss: Yoga poses for new moms to tuck that belly in

Yoga poses

Those who have recently given birth understand the difficulty of concealing the pregnancy tummy. If you want to get back in shape after giving birth, try any of these yoga poses.

A woman’s life undergoes significant and frequently unforeseen changes once she gives birth to her child. The uninterrupted flow of breath that is practiced in yoga helps to provide a route to serenity amongst all of the changes and emotions that come along with being a new mother. Women should not expect to be back in their pre-pregnancy condition immediately after giving birth and should prepare themselves for the inevitable bodily changes that will occur. On the other hand, engaging in specific yoga postures on a daily basis might hasten your weight loss and return to pre-pregnancy shape more quickly.

Even while new mothers are aware that working out is an excellent way to get their bodies back in shape after giving birth, they often find it difficult to find the time to do so. Especially when you’re spending the entire day and night tending to the requirements of your brand new infant. Because it requires neither gear nor equipment, yoga is the ideal kind of exercise for recently given birth mothers.

Health Shots talked to Samiksha Shetty, a famous yoga expert and yoga trainer, to get more information about the benefits of these poses as well as whether or not they are safe to perform.

According to Shetty, “These yoga positions are completely risk-free for brand-new mothers.” Women who practice yoga are better able to handle the physical changes that occur after giving birth, as well as deal with the emotional and psychological effects of postpartum depression. Every day, you should try to strike these postures in order to establish a solid basis for your recovery and healing.

Here are eight yoga poses that can help you lose weight after giving birth:

  1. Vyaghra Swasa (Tiger breathing)

This simple stance, which is more commonly known as cat cow pose, will assist you in losing weight after pregnancy in a more expedient and efficient manner.

This asana helps release the muscles in the spine, back, and neck, which creates mobility in the spine and also helps rest and ease the entire body. It does this by synchronizing the slow breathing with the posture.

Begin by getting down on the floor on your hands and knees. Your wrists should be positioned directly below your shoulders, and the space between your knees should be hip width. Keep your palms shoulder distance apart. You should begin by maintaining a neutral position for your spine. Take a deep breath in and roll your shoulder blades back, then lift your head and arch your back as you exhale.

As you exhale, circle your back and draw your naval in toward your spine. Bring your chin in toward your chest and tuck it there. Keep up this flowing movement and make sure that each movement is connected to your breath. This should be done for a total of ten breaths.

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)

“I’m positive you’re familiar with this one. According to Shetty, this form of exercise “energises the entire body, lengthens the spine, calf muscles, and hamstrings, and strengthens the arms and shoulders.”

Beginning on the ground, bring both hands and knees to the ground in front of you. You can straighten your legs by pushing your heels down as far as they will go and elevating your knees off the floor. Extend the spine by pushing away from the ground with your palms to create more space in the back.

Hold this position for five to nine full breaths.

  1. Chaturanga (Knee push ups)

This strong stance is great for new mothers since it helps them strengthen their core while also toning their arms.

Start in the same position as the Vyaghra Swasa (tiger breathing / Cat and Cow poses), but move your knees back a few inches on the mat and tuck your toes underneath your body. First, take a deep breath in, then gently exhale as you bend your elbows and move closer to your baby. Make sure to keep your elbows tucked into your ribs while you do this. To press yourself back up, take a deep breath in. Perform this movement five to ten more times.

  1. Baddha Konasana, also known as the Butterfly Pose or Bound Angle Pose.

This yoga asana gives a wonderful stretch, eliminates any tension that may have been held in the ankles, knees, or hips, and enhances hip mobility. In addition to that, it helps to strengthen the groin, inner thighs, and knees. A healthy emotional release can also be achieved in this way.

Variation-1 Begin by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you in a straight line and your spine in an upright position. Now, bring the bottoms of your feet together while simultaneously bending both knees out to the side. Put your feet in front of your pelvis, roughly a fist’s distance away from your groin, and hold this position. Now, take some deep breaths and press your knees and thighs down towards the floor while applying a little amount of pressure. After beginning with a motion that is slow and controlled, start flapping both of your legs from the hip like the wings of a butterfly for approximately sixty seconds, and then let go.

Variation-2 As soon as you are in the correct position, with your feet firmly planted together, Keep your feet supported by your hands as you spread your toes apart like pages in a book and face the ceiling. First, take a long, deep breath in, and then, as you exhale, bend forward until your chin or forehead is touching the floor. Hold for thirty to sixty seconds, and then on your next inhale, come back up to the starting position.

Variation-3 Supta Baddhakonasana (lying down on the floor with legs in the same position).

5.Goddess Pose (Wide squats)

This position will strengthen and extend your hips, as well as develop the muscles in your core, and it will promote circulation around the hips, core, and legs. After pregnancy, all of this can assist with weight loss.

To begin, position your feet approximately three to four feet apart, and make sure that your toes are pointed in the same direction as your knees. As you exhale, sink your hips down till they are level with your knees while simultaneously bending your knees. Make sure that your knees are directly above your ankles at all times. Take a deep breath in and straighten your legs.

  1. Agnistambhasana (Fire Log Pose)

This pose generates a great deal of heat in the groin and the surrounding area of the pelvic region, which ultimately helps to alleviate any sciatic pain that may be present. This stance is especially beneficial for new mothers, but it also benefits cyclists, runners, and people who sit at desks all day.

Place your right leg on top of the other as you sit on the ground with your knees bent and your shins stacked. Put the right heel on top of the left knee by positioning it with your hand. You should keep your hips perpendicular to the front of the room as you perform this exercise. Next, hinge at the hips and slowly walk your hands forward while extending your spine. Maintain this position for thirty seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

  1. Bhekasana (Frog pose)

This asana is a lot of fun, and it helps relieve stress on the knees by opening up the hip joints. Additionally, it helps to strengthen the muscles in the lower back, promotes digestion, assists in weight loss after pregnancy, and stimulates the organs that are located within the abdominal cavity. Overall, a very beneficial stretch that should be performed as frequently as you can.

Come down onto your hands and knees, with your palms flat on the ground and your knees resting on your yoga mat. While keeping the inside of each calf and foot in contact with the floor, gradually spread the knees until you feel a comfortable stretch in the inner thighs. Be sure to maintain this contact throughout the movement. Make sure that your knees are aligned with your ankles at all times. Reduce your body to the level of your forearms. Please wait here for another thirty seconds.

  1. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Recline on your mat so that your back is resting on the ground. Put your child on your stomach while you do this.

“Make an effort to keep your child’s head in close proximity to your chest. Relax every muscle in your body and give yourself permission to let go as much as you possibly can. Now pay attention to the way you breathe. While in corpse pose, some mothers and babies get so peaceful that they may nod off to sleep.