The 6 Best Yoga Types for Weight Loss and Toning

Yoga Types for Weight Loss

When we think about yoga, we think about reducing stress, relaxing our minds and bodies, strengthening our immune systems, and increasing our stamina; however, we do not think about doing yoga to lose weight. Did you know that practicing yoga can help you burn calories and perhaps aid in your weight loss efforts? In point of fact, research has shown that those who practice yoga on a daily basis can lose as much as 55 pounds in a single year.

Which styles of yoga are the most effective for reducing body fat and increasing muscle tone? The following are some of the most effective forms of yoga for weight loss:

  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Bikram Yoga
  • The practice of Hatha Yoga
  • Power Yoga
  • Rocket Yoga

In addition, a number of different yoga poses, such as Chakki Chalan or Bhekasana, might assist in the process of toning.

Although not all forms of yoga can help one lose weight or tone their body, certain asanas and yoga exercises that require more physical activity may be beneficial in this regard. In the following paragraphs, we will talk about the various health benefits of yoga, as well as the specific styles of yoga that are most effective for losing weight and building muscle.

Yoga’s Positive Effects on One’s Body

Yoga, which has been practiced since ancient times, is widely regarded as one of the most efficient kinds of physical exercise and meditation for maintaining overall health. It is well recognized that yoga has numerous positive effects on one’s health:

  • A healthier body can be attained through yoga. Yoga helps you achieve not only a slimmer but also a healthier body by drawing your attention to your body and instructing you to learn how to listen to your body. It boosts blood circulation, helps you build stronger muscles and organs, and a host of other benefits that ultimately contribute to a physically healthy physique.
  • Eating routines — Once you begin to pay attention to what your body is telling you, you will notice that your instances of stress eating and binge eating will diminish. Yoga makes you a conscious eater. You are able to control your eating habits and avoid overeating, sugar cravings, and eating snacks at inappropriate times.
  • Greater flexibility thanks to yoga’s aforementioned ability to limber up the body Every position is designed to help you become more flexible by stretching various muscle groups and ligaments throughout the body.
  • Improved cardiovascular health — Regular yoga practice has been shown to be beneficial for the heart. By bringing your blood pressure down, reducing your risk of hypertension, and restoring hormonal equilibrium, it lowers your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Increased stamina – The various styles of yoga, such as Hatha and Ashtanga, all have one thing in common: they push you to the edge of your limits while simultaneously increasing your stamina. The practice of yoga helps build muscle strength and improves stamina because it entails holding poses for extended periods of time.
  • Helps the body rid itself of harmful pollutants by causing perspiration, which exits the body along with the sweat. Yoga does a little more. Not only does it rid the body of any impurities by causing it to sweat, but it also helps you clear your mind by forcing you to breathe in a more controlled manner.
  • Eases stress, which affects around 40 percent of the population. Stress can be significantly mitigated via the practice of yoga. Reducing or eliminating sources of stress is critical to both one’s physical and mental health.

The 6 Most Effective Varieties of Yoga for Weight Loss

A recent study that was carried out by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, also known as the NCBI, reveals that all of the physical and mental health benefits that one receives from practicing yoga also aid in weight loss. Finding the sorts of yoga that are the most physically demanding for you is essential if you want to accelerate the rate at which you lose weight. For instance, there are at least six different styles of yoga that can assist one in losing weight:

  1. Vinyasa

If you want to lose weight, it is conventional known that you must reduce the number of calories you consume while simultaneously increasing the number of calories you burn through exercise. Vinyasa, also referred to as “flow yoga” in western culture, is comprised of a succession of yoga poses performed at a rapid speed. The goal is to burn as many calories as possible by moving swiftly from one yoga pose to the next in order to accomplish this.

To accelerate the pace at which calories are burned, the primary focus is on making your body more nimble and flexible over a period of time. It is possible that each session may run anywhere from sixty to ninety minutes; this would guarantee that each session would be equivalent to a vigorous workout. It is recommended that you begin with two to three sessions per week and progressively increase the intensity of your workout by holding your poses for a longer period of time or moving more quickly.

Finding the correct yoga school to begin your practice with is essential, especially if you are new to the practice of yoga. Begin with the basics and work your way up to more difficult levels. Not only is it vital to pay attention to the postures and make sure you are performing them correctly in order to see results in your trip to lose weight, but it is also important for your health, since yoga directly impacts the health of your heart and other organs. Play some music to keep things interesting and establish a schedule if you intend to do this yoga in the comfort of your own home.

In addition to practicing vinyasa yoga on a regular basis, you should also keep in mind these straightforward measures if you want to witness a significant change in your body:

It is crucial to allow your body to sweat when completing any type of workout, including yoga; therefore, you should avoid practising yoga in a setting that has air conditioning. If you keep your body at a cool temperature and turn on the air conditioning at the same time, you will not burn as many calories, which will slow down the process of losing weight.

  • Make small but steady improvements to your routine – If you are just starting out, it is recommended that you perform the routine for at least half an hour, three times per week. You should raise your time limit to sixty minutes after you feel more at ease with the routine, and you should aim to work up to ninety minutes if you can. You may also give it a shot at doing it on a more consistent basis or perhaps every day.
  • Step it up – If you feel that your body is not being stretched and that it has become accustomed to the routine, you should give yourself a greater amount of physical challenge. Make an effort to make it more difficult by travelling at a faster pace. You might also experiment with modifying different stances by doing things like using stretch bands, for example.
  1. Ashtanga

Ashtanga is an additional form of exercise that is particularly efficient for weight loss. It is a modification of the Vinyasa yoga style and consists of strenuous strength training with an emphasis on building up the abdominal muscles. Even though it is a vigorous kind of yoga, its primary aim is on maintaining harmony in the mind, the body, and the spirit. Because Ashtanga’s asanas raise the temperature of the body, doing them causes a significant rise in perspiration. When combined with rapid movements, the asanas provide enough of a caloric deficit to stimulate the breakdown of fat stores in the body, which in turn leads to a reduction in overall body mass.

There are eight different purification practices that make up Ashtanga yoga. These practices include ethical rules, self-purification, sharp postures, focused breathing, a sense of control, increased attention, meditation, and a sense of belonging. You might start a class that focuses on all of the physical parts, but experts believe that in order to see any meaningful effects, it is vital to pay attention to all eight disciplines. You could start a class that focuses on all of the physical components.

Because the Ashtanga purification practices are so precisely outlined, this form of yoga is the same everywhere in the world. This means that no matter where you go, you will find the exact identical steps and sequences being taught in yoga classes. On the other hand, if you are just starting out, you should focus on getting good at one practice before going on to the next one.

There are numerous yoga schools that focus specifically on Ashtanga yoga. If you are new to yoga, you should begin with regular yoga in order to get into the flow of things. Once you feel comfortable with the fundamental postures, you can progress to Ashtanga yoga. You can also consider beginning with yoga programs that you can do at home before enrolling in sessions that are more difficult.

During your ashtanga yoga practice, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • It’s challenging: Because Ashtanga yoga is a challenging style of yoga, you shouldn’t expect to perform all of the poses perfectly on the first try.
  • Don’t attempt to do everything at once – As was stated earlier, it is very vital to master one technique before moving on to the next one; otherwise, it won’t be effective. If you try to do everything at once, you won’t be able to master any of them.
  • A concentration on the breath Ashtanga yoga places a strong emphasis on the breath. Because your breathing is equally dependent on your postures, once you have your breathing under control, your poses will naturally begin to fall into place.
  • Don’t put in too much effort; the focus of this yoga practice should be on bringing harmony to your body, mind, and spirit. If you find that it takes you longer to perfect a pose, try not to be too hard on yourself about it. In order to get the most out of this yoga, you need to make sure that you master each pose before moving on to the next one.
  1. Bikram

This kind of yoga, which was pioneered by Bikram Choudhury in the early 1970s, is considered to be the first form of “hot” yoga. It is one of the most strenuous yoga workouts available, and it comprises of 26 different routines that you have to perform in a chamber that is heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This is done to increase the rate at which you sweat, which in turn accelerates the rate at which you burn calories and helps your body rid itself of toxins.

Bikram yoga is the way to go for you if you are someone who goes to the gym on a regular basis and are able to tolerate strenuous physical activity that results in an excessive amount of sweating. You can burn up to 1500 calories in just one session if you give it your all! If you want to see progress relatively quickly, it is recommended that you participate in at least three sessions per week.

In point of fact, several types of hot yoga classes propose supplementing your trip to lose weight by adhering to a stringent diet. Although the practice of Bikram yoga does not come with a prescribed eating plan, there are some rules that should be followed in order to see immediate effects. Among them are the following:

  • Instead of eating a typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you should commit to eating several smaller meals spaced out at regular intervals throughout the day.
  • If you want to maintain your current level of energy without becoming overly reliant on carbohydrates, increase the amount of protein you consume.
  • Decrease your intake of coffee, foods high in fat, sugar, and dairy products because all of these things take a longer amount of time to digest entirely and, as a result, make your stomach feel heavier.

If you want to see results quickly, you should stay away from alcohol and spicy foods.

  • Aim to consume at least one and a half liters of water each day. Put some lemon or other citrus fruit in your drink since the vitamin C and potassium in these foods will help you feel refreshed and will also prevent muscle cramps.
  1. Hatha Yoga (Hatha)

Hatha yoga, which is considered to be one of the most classic varieties of yoga, is in fact the origin of some of the more popular styles of yoga, such as Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Bikram yoga. The physical parts of yoga are combined with the various breathing postures in hatha yoga to produce a continuous flow of energy. This helps to prepare the body for both mental and physical development.

Hatha Yoga is a style of yoga that focuses on providing a well-balanced workout by combining a number of different yoga techniques, breathing, and a regulated diet to assist in weight loss. This is accomplished without making any significant alterations to the person’s normal diet or exercise routine. It entails moving at a more sedate pace throughout the yoga program and concentrating on fundamental positions.

Hatha yoga is the most widespread type of yoga, and because of this, it is an excellent practice for beginners. Hatha Yoga facilitates weight loss because of its dual emphasis on physical activity and dietary modification. Hatha yoga may not produce effects as quickly or as dramatically as Bikram yoga, but it does result in a constant drop in weight. This is due to the fact that the emphasis of Hatha yoga is placed on a better lifestyle rather than simply weight loss.

When first beginning out with Hatha yoga, it is essential to have a solid foundation in the fundamentals before moving on to more advanced practices. These hints will be useful:

  • A proper warm-up is essential. Hatha yoga may be a more sedentary style of yoga, but that does not imply that a proper warm-up is not essential. Because of the technical nature of this style of yoga, it is essential to fully warm up your body before beginning in order to reduce the risk of injuring yourself.
  • Make yoga a daily habit. Even if you’ve signed up for a class that meets twice or three times a week, you should still make it a point to work on your postures every day. The first thing in the morning, even if it’s just for a quick 15 minutes before you start your day, is the greatest time to get this done.
  • Wearing clothes that are comfortable, stretchy, and breathable is essential for any type of yoga, including Hatha yoga. This should go without saying, but it bears repeating: comfortable gear is essential.
  • Always bring your practice to a calm and peaceful finale by lying in savasana, also known as the corpse posture, with your eyes closed. This pose signifies the conclusion of a Hatha yoga session. Even while it could appear to be pointless, it actually is useful. By doing this, you will ensure that your body temperature returns to normal, as well as that your respiration returns to its usual rate. If you skip this stance, you might find that you’re exhausted for the rest of the day!
  1. Power Yoga

Power yoga is quickly becoming one of the most well-liked styles of yoga, particularly for those who are interested in slimming down. It gets its name from the fact that it is the most physically demanding style of yoga. In power yoga, the emphasis is placed solely on maintaining a high level of vigor and activity throughout the practice, with a particular concentration on standing poses that aim to maximize calorie burn by elevating the participant’s heart rate.

Beryl Birch and Byran Kest were both practitioners of and teachers of Ashtanga Yoga in New York City during the late 1980s. She altered the positions in order to assist people in stretching further and becoming more flexible. The result was a kind of yoga that could be compared to any kind of cardiovascular exercise; this form of yoga eventually became known as power yoga.

In addition to being more similar to a cardio workout, Power Yoga is also more competitive in nature, which contributes to the practice’s overall effectiveness. It is quick and forceful, and it forces you to stay moving and do more than you were doing before. With each new level of power yoga, the practice becomes more strenuous and physically demanding. It emphasizes “cranking up the heat” rather than concentrating on the breathing and the connection between the participants.

It’s not hard to get started with power yoga, but it’s crucial to make sure you:

  • Look for a knowledgeable instructor who fits your needs – Even though power yoga does not concentrate on the fundamentals that are common to the majority of other types of yoga, such as breathing, it is still necessary to train with someone who is knowledgeable in a variety of yoga styles. If a person is only interested in the cardiovascular component of yoga, it is possible that they will not be able to explain all of the benefits of yoga to you.
  • Be clear about your goals. Power yoga is an excellent way to maintain your fitness and shed extra pounds, but in the long run, it will not provide the additional health benefits that yoga does, such as enhanced organ health and decreased stress levels.

It is a highly competitive and fast-paced workout where each session in itself is sufficient. • Less is more – This is a workout where less is more. If you push yourself to do more than is necessary, you run the risk of becoming exhausted in a relatively short amount of time.

  1. Rocket Yoga

This form of yoga, which derives from ashtanga, is far more fluid and relaxed than the original. This yoga, which was modified by Larry Schultz so that it would appeal to western audiences and break down the rigidity of traditional Ashtanga poses, is simple, straightforward, and easy to learn and adapt to.

It includes a variety of stretches, bends, and rotations in addition to various seated and standing poses. In order to differentiate amongst practitioners of varying degrees of experience, the practice of rocket yoga is broken down into three distinct stages:

  • Stage 1: This stage focuses on developing core strength and is analogous to the main stage of the Ashtanga practice. The arms and legs become more toned as a result of this.
  • Stage 2 incorporates more challenging poses, including forward and backward bending, in order to stretch the muscles in the waist and the abdominal region. This is beneficial in reducing the circumference of the stomach by a few inches.
  • Stage 3: In this stage, you will combine the poses from stages 1 and 2 to create a more “complete” workout for your body. This assists you in losing even more weight by making your poses more difficult, which in turn burns more calories.

What Kinds of Asanas Are Best for Toning?

Let’s have a look at the various yoga postures and see how they can help you lose weight and tone your body now that we know the many types of yoga that exist. If you want to join a yoga class in order to lose weight and tone your body, you need consult with an experienced person in order to pinpoint the regions of your body that need the most work. Your fitness instructor may tailor a regimen according to your needs by taking into account the parts of your body from which you wish to or are required to shed weight.

The following is a list of certain stances that you could try to help you lose overall weight and tone your body:

  • Chakki Chalan position, also known as the Mill Churning pose
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana, also referred as as the Downward-Facing Dog pose
  • Bhekasana, more commonly known as the Frog Pose

The Setu Bandha stance, also known as the Bridge Pose

  • Kumbhakasana or Plank posture
  • Trikonasana or the Triangle position
  • Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations
  • Paripurna Navasana or Boat posture
  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, also referred as as the Upward Facing Dog Pose
  • The Jalandhara Bandha, also known as the Chin Lock
  • Bharadvajasana, sometimes referred as as the Seated Twist posture

The Crane Pose, also known as Bakasana

  • Mayurasana, also known as the Peacock Pose in English

For the tummy, try the Chakki Chalan pose, often known as the “Mill Churning” pose.

Take a seat and extend both of your legs in front of you so that their soles are in contact with one another. Put your palms together and make circular motions while reaching as far as you can towards your legs. Hold this position for as long as you can. It is imperative that you maintain a straight neck position and bend your back in such a way that you feel a tiny amount of pressure on your stomach. Perform this task a total of 25 times in both the clockwise and anticlockwise directions.

Downward-Facing Dog pose, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, is an excellent exercise for toning the arms and legs.

When performed properly, the Adho Mukha Svanasana, which is one of the most well-known yoga poses, provides a wonderful stretch for the entire body and helps tone the arms and legs. Begin by placing both of your hands and knees on the ground in front of you. Your hips and knees should form a straight line when you are in the correct position. While keeping your hips facing the ceiling, slowly lift your knees off the floor and press your thighs back. This will allow you to stretch your heels and point your hips toward the ceiling. Keep this stance for three to five minutes, and then release it and relax.

Bhekasana – (Frog pose)

The frog position is another type of asana that helps tone the abdominal region by providing a proper stretch to the abdominal region. As you lie on your stomach, reach behind you and grasp your feet in a bow as if you were performing a yoga pose. Now, elevate your chest as high as you comfortably can, pull your shoulders in toward your ears, and fold your feet into your hips. You should feel a stretch in both your stomach and your shoulders. Maintain this position for five breaths, then slowly release your hold on it.

Setu Bandha – (Bridge pose)

First, assume a backwards lying position, and then bring your knees up so that they point upwards. Put your palms facing up and place your arms next to your body in this position. Raise the area around your pelvis until it is parallel to the ground, and then lower it again. Repeat this action ten times. This pose stimulates your metabolism and massages your thyroid gland at the same time. Additionally, it helps you tone the muscles in your arms and legs.

Kumbhakasana – (Plank pose)

There is no question that one of the most effective techniques to improve your core is to hold a plank position. However, this helps the body detoxify more effectively when it is done with regular breathing. In addition to reducing fat around the midsection, it builds strength in the shoulders, arms, butt, back, and thighs. This is a fantastic yoga pose for beginners to begin with.

Trikonasana – (Triangle pose)

The trikonasana stance is one of the most effective ways to work out your abdominal muscles. You should try to reach the other foot with your arm by stretching out one foot and bending sideways. Raise the opposite arm upwards toward the ceiling so that it is perpendicular to the floor. This process should be repeated 25 times on both sides. This motion to the side stretches your abdominal muscles, which helps digestion and burns fat in the abdominal region. It also provides a wonderful stretch for your arms and legs, which aids in the toning of your underarms. Bra fat? That concern has also been addressed!

Surya Namaskar — (Sun Salutations)

The Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar, is one of the most well-known and widely advised yoga poses. It is known for its many health advantages, including the ability to aid in weight loss. Beginning with a leisurely pace both warms up the body and gets the blood pumping more quickly. Stretching and toning all of the major muscles in the body can be accomplished by performing this pose at least 25 times. It is stated that if you perform 250 sun salutations every day for a month, you will have lost a significant amount of weight.

Paripurna Navasana — (Boat pose)

With this stance, you may give yourself an advanced abdominal workout and tone your hips at the same time. To achieve this pose, you will need to extend your arms and legs while maintaining your balance on your sitting bones and tailbones. Beginning to maintain balance can be challenging, but with consistent effort, you will eventually be able to do so.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana — (Upward Facing Dog pose)

The upward dog yoga stance, which involves bending backwards, helps strengthen the spine, as well as the torso and the arms. Not only does it assist in stretching the chin and spine, but it also helps firm the hips and thighs. This pose assists in better digestion in addition to helping to stretch the abdominal region.

Jalandhara Bandha – (Chin Lock)

Do you want to get rid of that double chin, tone the muscles in your face, and make your cheekbones pop? You should try this particular asana. You will need to sit upright with your legs crossed in order to perform this asana, which is one of the simpler ones. Make a V-sign with your tongue by sticking it out and tucking your chin into your chest.

Bharadvajasana – (Seated Twist pose)

To get a decent stretch on one side, you’ll want to try this asana, which includes twisting your upper body. Your upper body will get toned, muscles will get stronger, flexibility will increase, and digestion will get easier. Additionally, it improves one’s ability to concentrate. Even though it is a posture for beginners, you should be careful if you have any problems to your spine, shoulders, or knees.

Bakasana – (Crane pose)

The name alludes to the fact that its form is comparable to that of a crane. If you are new to yoga, you shouldn’t attempt this posture because it is considered an intermediate level stance. It contributes to a growth in both mental and physical strength, as well as an improvement in flexibility. The intense pressure that is applied to the abdominal region is what makes this method effective for reducing belly fat.

Mayurasana – (Peacock pose)

This position makes the person look like they are walking like a peacock, with their tail feathers hanging behind them. Again, this is an advanced pose that you should not attempt if you are just starting out with yoga. This position is excellent for toning your arms, shoulders, thighs, and legs in addition to strengthening your heart and lungs.


Not only do each of the aforementioned variants of yoga and the various positions aid in weight loss, but they also provide all of the other advantages that come with practicing yoga.

Many people have the misconception that losing weight with yoga is a slow process; nevertheless, yoga today offers a full-body workout that is just as effective as any cardio or HIIT workout thanks to the many varieties that are available. If you want to live a fuller and better life, then yoga is the way to go because it brings so many additional benefits. In point of fact, yoga is the way to go.