Best Book for weight loss


Best Book for weight loss

if you’re looking to lose weight, buying a weight loss book or cookbook can be a great place to start.

However, knowing which book to buy can be challenging.

While many books promise quick results by drastically cutting calories or restricting entire food groups, these diet plans are difficult to maintain and can foster a negative relationship between food and your body.

Losing weight is hard, plain and simple,” says Amy Cirbus, a licensed therapist at Talkspace who is based in the New York City area. “The elation of success, when we reach a point we’re proud of achieving, is a powerful high. The sting of disappointment, shame, anger, and doubt creeps in when expectations aren’t met.”

Losing weight can be a roller coaster of emotions. There are days when your pants fit a little looser and you feel like celebrating, and then others when you feel defeated after you step on the scale and see the number hasn’t budged.

While many books promise quick results by drastically cutting calories or restricting entire food groups, these diet plans are difficult to maintain and can foster a negative relationship between food and your body.

Instead, we rounded up the best books that focus on sustainable and realistic approaches to weight loss.


It’s completely normal to take these setbacks personally. “When we cheat on a diet we mistake the behavior with the person and absorb the failure,” Airbus says. “The day we decided to eat all the cake at the party becomes a hangover of sugar and regret, and can make us feel horrible about ourselves.”

It helps to know that setbacks are part of the process. “Losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint,” Airbus says. She says to picture your weight loss journey as a graph, where the individual day may not have been so great, but overall your progress is trending in the right direction.


Weight Watchers: The Ultimate Starter’s Guide to Losing Weight Rapidly the Smart Way

Why it’s worth a read: The famous diet has a legion of fans-including Oprah and Jennifer Hudson but that’s not why it earned the top spot for weight-loss diets on the 2017 U.S. News & World Report’s Best Diet Rankings  Rather, it’s because the plan really works. A meta-analysis of 2,400 studies found that Weight Watchers was one of the only programs where the average participant lost more weight after one year than dieters who were doing it on their own or finding advice from it.


Heavy: An American Memoir, by Kiese Laymon

In this powerful memoir, which earned a lot of buzz in 2018, Kiese Laymon tells his story of growing up in Mississippi and how he learned to lean on food to cope with life. The book deals with more than just weight issues — it chronicles Laymon’s complicated relationship with his mother, his history with sexual violence and gambling, and the difficulties he’s experienced being black in America.
Best overall weight loss book


Embrace you: guide a way to transforming weight loss misconceptions into lifelong wellness

Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie shares her own story of overcoming emotional eating, making Embrace You a relatable read.

She also acknowledges that everyone is different, which is why she believes weight-loss strategies need to be individualized.

The author’s approach to weight loss is one that involves compassion, self-love, and acceptance, as well as realistic tips and education on how to lose weight sustainably. each chapter has two main subtitles, “Release” and “Embrace,” that are designed to help you to let go of negative habits and thoughts and open yourself up to healthier behaviors and a positive mindset.

While the book is relatively new, reviews are positive overall, with readers appreciating the book’s practical and behavior-changing approach to wellness.


Food Matters: A Guide To Conscious Eating – Mark Bittman

It turns out eating healthily is just as good for the environment as it is for your body.

Food journalist Mark Bittman explains how healthy eating and preserving the environment go hand in hand, with many unhealthy foods contributing highly to pollution. After that he outlines how you can counter that. Losing weight and saving the planet – what’s not to love? The second half of the book contains 75 recipes that are both weight and environment-friendly, which highlight just how tasty this kind of conscientious eating can be.


The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprising Addiction Will Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get Healthy

By Neal D. Barnard, Grand Central Life & Style (2017)

Diet philosophy: Cheese is as addictive to heroin

Best suited for: Those who OD on dairy on a regular basis

Why it’s worth a read: If cheese is your weakness, this nutrition book is your bible. Dr. Neal Barnard’s book made headlines with his attention-grabbing claim that cheese is as addictive as heroin, and it delivers a realistic program to help people curb their cravings. Barnard spends the majority of the book explaining why he calls cheese “dairy crack,”

and how-thanks to the fact that it’s loaded with calories, sodium, and saturated fat-it can contribute to problems like blood pressure and arthritis. You don’t need to cut cheese from your diet entirely dairy but Barnard’s book provides tips and recipes you may need to keep from overindulging.


The Elephant in the Room, by Tommy Tomlinson

When the journalist Tommy Tomlinson was approaching his 50th birthday, he weighed 460 pounds (lb) and was at risk for the negative health issues that come with being overweight, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  Tomlinson details his lifelong battle with his weight, which he partially attributes to being born into a family that loves Southern food and considers rich fare a luxury. He also describes what it’s like to go through life every day as an obese man (researching restaurant seating in advance and fearing tumbles on the subway, for instance) and how he’s attempted to move the needle by counting his calorie intake with a food journal.


 Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

By Joel Fuhrman, Little, Brown, and Company (2011)

Diet philosophy: Eating unhealthy foods can lead to bad eating habits

Best suited for: People who constantly give in to their cravings

Why it’s worth a read: A regular Amazon best-seller, this healthy eating b

ook outlines Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s six-week weight loss plan and the principles behind it. It investigates the idea of “toxic hunger” and how your cravings can condition your body to overheat, then walks you through ways to leave those food addictions behind by eating more nutrient-dense foods that fill you up on fewer calories
