How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Month?

Lose weight in Month

Many people have the objective of reducing their body fat, but there is an optimal strategy for accomplishing this aim. Losing weight at an unhealthy rate or in an extreme manner might cause more harm than good, both mentally and physically. The only way to lose weight in a way that is both safe and long-term is to adopt an overall healthy lifestyle that places an emphasis on eating well and getting lots of exercises.

There is no set amount of weight that can be lost in a month that is healthy for everyone. “The answer to this question, much like the answers to most other questions concerning weight reduction, is contextual and relies on the individual. Nevertheless, there are certain sound standards and general norms that we can impart upon people, “According to Brad Dieter, Ph.D., a nutrition coach who is accredited by NASM.

We posed this question to Dieter and Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, a registered dietitian who practices in New York City. We wanted to know how much weight you could lose in a month while maintaining your health and safety. Continue reading to find out what they had to say about it.

Reasons Why You Should Not Go on a Diet

When one’s primary concern is their weight, the first idea that often springs to mind is that of going on a diet. However, dieting in the traditional sense should be avoided at all costs. Why? They cannot be maintained, and they condition you to have an unhealthy mentality toward food and your body weight.

“People have a tendency to turn to diets as a quick fix when they want to see weight loss results relatively quickly. On the other hand, they are typically extremely rigorous and limiting. Despite the fact that results are frequently achieved, they rarely last for an extended period of time because the procedures used are not sustainable “Amy Shapiro, a certified dietician based in New York City and the brains behind Real Nutrition, adds.

If you pin all of your aspirations on a diet that can’t be maintained over time, you are putting yourself in a position to develop unhealthful thought patterns regarding the relationship between food and your talents. “When you are unable to achieve your goals or keep them up, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and negative internal dialogue. If you quit following the diet, you will likely start gaining weight again, at which point you will hunt for another eating plan to stick to. The cycle continues indefinitely, perhaps for decades or even a person’s entire life “says Shapiro.

How to Lose Weight in a Safe and Effective Manner

In an ideal world, you would develop and follow a lifestyle that not only aids in your efforts to lose weight but also improves the quality of your overall health. “The goal here is to develop habits that you will be able to keep up over the long run, such as eating really healthily the majority of the time while allowing yourself to give in to temptation once in a while. The final objective is to achieve a healthy weight and improve overall health. You will get there gradually, even though it’s possible that you won’t get there very quickly “says Shapiro. Here are some of her suggestions for losing weight in a way that is both healthy and permanent.

  • Put an emphasis on nutrition by preparing meals that are abundant in whole foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean meats, and fats that are good for the heart. The consumption of processed meals have to take a back seat, and proper portion control is an essential component.
  • Engage in mindful practices: Mindfulness also plays a role, especially when you’re just getting started, using tools like a food journal can help you recognize how far you’ve gone, as well as where you might need to make changes and how you can hold yourself accountable for those changes.
  • Steer clear of all-or-nothing thinking: Whenever we entirely eliminate anything from our diet or add negative thoughts to it, such as “I can’t eat that or I’ll never be able to eat this again,” then this leads to defiant behavior and overeating. A healthy lifestyle alleviates feelings of guilt because it teaches you that there is room for everything; it’s simply that you can’t do everything at the same time. If you want to eat something that is more indulgent, you should consume healthier meals in between the decadent dinner.
  • Maintain coherence: this is the motto I live by “Maintaining consistency is what pushes the needle. Get back on track the very next time you eat and don’t let that blip evolve into an event). Individual moments (cheats, etc.) will never cause weight gain; get back on track the very next time you eat. This makes it possible to think in the long term, find solutions to problems, maintain a healthy balance, and eventually produce outcomes that are sustainable.”

How Much Weight Can You Expect to Lose in a Month If You Follow a Healthy Diet?

The amount of weight that a person is able to shed in one month varies from person to person and is dependent on factors such as age, current food and lifestyle, hormones, metabolism, and other factors. According to Shapiro, “However, when making a change in diet, frequently the first few weeks have speedier results, and I have seen anything from seven to 12 pounds,” but the subsequent weeks continue at a slower but more constant clip of roughly one to two pounds per week.

Where do you intend to go from here?

Another thing to consider is the place from which you begin. “In general, a person’s potential weight loss during any given month is proportional to the amount of weight that they still need to shed. Someone who has to drop 200 pounds, for instance, will be able to lose more weight in a month if they do so in a manner that is not detrimental to their health than someone who needs to lose only 20 pounds “explains Dieter.

The majority of weight reduction guidelines prescribe a weight loss of between 0.5 and 2.0 pounds each week, which is equivalent to 1 to 2 percent of total bodyweight. According to Dieter, those who have a lower percentage of body fat can lose closer to one percent of their total body weight, while those who have a larger percentage of body fat or who have a higher body weight can lose closer to two percent of their body weight.

The length of time over which you want to achieve your desired weight loss can have an impact on the amount of weight you should aim to lose in a particular month. In general, the longer the time frame, the less weight you should try to lose per month, according to the recommendation made by Dieter.

It is important to take things gently if you want to successfully lose weight over an extended period of time. Dieter explains: “People who intend to diet or participate in weight loss activities for an extended length of time, such as six months, ought to go for values that are on the lower end of the spectrum. People who need to diet for a longer period of time can strive for a weight loss of around 0.5 to 1 percent per pound of body weight per week as their ideal targets. When dieting for a shorter period of time, it’s possible to drop closer to 1 to 1.5 percent per pound of body weight every week on average.”

Talk to a health care expert who can assist you if you have a significant amount of weight to shed or if you are unsure how to go about shedding that weight. It’s possible that you’ll be given the name of a dietitian or nutritionist who may provide you some pointers that are tailored to your unique requirements and habits at the moment.

Beyond the Ranging System

It is essential to bear in mind that the process of losing weight is not linear, which means that reaching a plateau is a natural and expected aspect of the process. “There will be weeks in which you do not see any change in your weight; however, many of my customers believe that they are still losing weight even if the scale does not move weekly. This is because they do not experience bloating, appear to “de-puff,” and feel energetic. After a few months of using the product, their skin even begins to glow! “says Shapiro.

If you have a lot of weight to lose and are switching to a diet that is low in natural foods and high in processed and fast foods, you will probably experience a significant weight loss right from the start. “However, as time passes, your body will become accustomed to your new diet, and the rate at which you lose weight will gradually decrease. At this point in your path toward better nutrition, you must resist the urge to give up and instead press onward.”

You will still be making progress toward a healthy lifestyle, even though the rate of weight loss will slow down. “In addition, this is where continuous healthy habits come into play, such as improving the amount of sleep you get, meditating, minimizing the amount of stress you experience, drinking enough water, and moving your body in ways that you love,” adds Shapiro.

Final Verdict

Losing weight is a very individual endeavor, and it is not a goal that is suitable for everyone. If you wish to lose weight, you should keep in mind that doing so should be intimately related to improving your entire health. Under no circumstances should you put your health in jeopardy in order to achieve your weight loss goals, as this can result in unhealthy connections with food, exercise, and your body. Instead, a slow and consistent weight loss is preferable because it is easier to achieve and maintain. Keep in mind that getting rid of excess weight is not a race, and that regaining lost ground is a natural and expected part of the process. It is absolutely essential to a successful weight loss plan that you treat yourself with kindness, gentleness, and patience.