Yoga For Weight Loss: What You Need to Know

Yoga For Weight Loss

In an effort to reach your ideal weight, do you often find yourself running on the treadmill for long periods of time or pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion throughout each of your workouts? In such case, your physical self and your mental self are about to express their gratitude to you. Instead of doing rigorous activities, you should roll out your yoga mat and get started. That’s right, today we’re going to talk about the benefits of yoga for weight loss! Yoga may not be as well known for its ability to burn calories as other forms of exercise, but you shouldn’t write it off too quickly.

Yoga is commonly practiced because of the calming benefits it has on practitioners, but this mind-body exercise also has the potential to be an efficient workout for weight loss. Find out how practicing yoga can help you lose weight, which type of yoga is the most beneficial, and which yoga positions are the greatest for shaping and toning your body.

There is Some Evidence That Yoga May Assist in Weight Loss: I’ll Explain Why

Build Strength

If you have ever attempted to hold an inversion or an advanced yoga posture, you are well aware of the amount of strength that is required. You might have noticed that devoted yogis have sculpted abdominal muscles, slim arms, and strong legs as a result of their yoga practice. The practice of yoga can assist in the development of full-body strength as well as an increase in the body’s lean muscular mass. Because an increase in muscle mass causes a rise in metabolic rate, you can shape your body in the same amount of time that your body is working hard to burn additional calories.

The best part is that you can select how intensely you want to work out, so you won’t have to overexert yourself every day to see results. Because there are various variations of yoga for weight loss, it should not be difficult to find a class that is tailored to your specific requirements.

Do you want to increase your strength while you burn off some calories? You should try this Yoga Booty Sculpt with Kenta or this Balance Challenge with Vytas.

Manage Your Stress

If your levels of stress are increasing, you may also notice an increase in the number that the scale displays. Because of an increase in cortisol levels, one of the unwanted side effects of experiencing an excessive amount of stress is a growth in body weight. It is far more challenging to lose weight when your body is always in a state of “fight or flight,” as this state is known.

Fortunately, yoga is well-known for the stress-relieving effects it may provide. Research has shown that practicing yoga can lower cortisol levels and even alleviate symptoms of despair and anxiety. As a result, yoga is a beneficial practice for weight loss. In addition, your routine will improve your state of mind, your quality of sleep, and your overall well-being!

Therefore, even if you begin practicing yoga with the intention of shedding some pounds, you can discover that the mental and emotional release is just as satisfying.

Improve your level of mindfulness.

Let’s face it, aimlessly snacking on snacks and treats does nothing to help you maintain a healthy weight or shape your waistline. It’s not hard to pick up bad behaviors, and sometimes people don’t even realize they’re doing it until it’s too late.

It has been demonstrated that increasing one’s level of mindfulness via the practice of yoga can facilitate weight loss by lowering the frequency of thoughtless munching brought on by boredom or routine. When you are more aware of the things you are eating, how hungry or full you are, and how a meal makes you feel, you are more likely to make decisions in the kitchen that are more beneficial to your health.

How to Make Yoga Work for Your Weight Loss Attempts

When thinking about doing yoga to lose weight, keep the long-term goal in mind. Consider how you’d like to feel rather than how you want to look while setting goals for yourself. Make a mental shift and ask yourself why you want to lose weight in the first place. This will help you get motivated. When you look for motivation in areas other than your outward appearance, you increase the likelihood that you will put in the effort and show up for yourself, both on and off your yoga mat.

The following is a guide on how to use a yoga practice to help support your efforts to lose weight.

Regular Practice: Aim to go on your mat at least three times per week and preferably more!

Reduce your levels of the stress hormone cortisol by making use of your yoga practice.

Remember to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your yoga session in order to stay hydrated.

Alternate Your Routine: Mix up your yoga practice by alternating between HIIT and Vinyasa, for example. You’ll work a variety of muscles, which will in turn keep your metabolism revved up.

What Varieties of Yoga Are Most Effective for Promoting Weight Loss?

Yoga Sculpt

Maintain a lean body composition while increasing your muscle mass. Look to yoga sculpt if you wish to reduce body fat with your yoga practice. Yoga Sculpt is an excellent exercise that can help you reach your fitness objectives and shed unwanted pounds thanks to its unique combination of high intensity interval training (HIIT) movements and lengthening yoga poses.

Vinyasa Yoga

Because of the rapid pace of this full-body flow, each and every muscle in your body will be engaged. Believe us when we say that you will experience muscle soreness in areas that you were previously unaware of.

Vinyasa is one of our favorite practices when we want to use yoga for weight loss because it has such dynamic movements that burn a lot of calories. If you browse the FitOn yoga category, you can find the perfect Vinyasa yoga class based on your personal preference for the way yoga should flow for you.

Yoga Asanas That Help You Shed Pounds

Pose a la chaise

If you think burpees are challenging, try holding chair pose for a while. This exercise for the whole body will strengthen your core, work your lower body to exhaustion, and contour your body into long, sleek lines. The following is an example of how to practice chair post.

First, assume the mountain posture, making sure that your big toes are touching each other.

Step 2: As you exhale, bring your thighs parallel to the ground by bending your knees and sitting back into an imaginary chair. Keep your back straight.

The third step is to inhale while reaching your arms up toward the ceiling with your palms facing each other.

The fourth step is to tuck your tailbone under so that you can activate your core and protect your low back.

  1. Sink your hips down and lower while shifting your weight into your heels. This is the fifth step.

Step No. 6: Hold this position for five to ten breaths.


With planks in general, we have a love-hate relationship, and chaturanga is no exception to this rule! Your arms and your core will get a great workout, and you’ll gain strength all across your body as a result of this hard pose. The chaturanga pose is demonstrated here.

First, assume the plank position, positioning your hands so that they are little wider than shoulder-width apart and with your fingers spread out.

The second step is to plant your fingertips firmly into the ground while simultaneously drawing the ground away from you and looking slightly ahead.

Step 3: Contract your abdominal muscles and inner thighs.

Step 4: As you exhale, bend your elbows and lower your body toward the floor until your shoulders are at the same height as your elbows. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Step 5: Remain in this position for five to ten breaths before releasing your body to the floor or moving into the upward-facing dog pose.

Boat Pose

With boat posture, you may strengthen your core, challenge your balance, and work your way through your entire body.

The first thing you need to do is sit up tall, raise your legs off the floor, and center yourself on your sit bones.

The second step is to place your hands behind your knees and then reach your heels up toward the ceiling.

The next step is to activate your feet by spreading your toes and pressing the inner arches of your feet together.

The fourth step requires you to thrust your arms forward and open your fingers wide.

Step 5: Pull your upper arm bones back, expand your chest, and engage your lower abdominal muscles while doing so.

The sixth step is to hold this position for five to ten breaths.

Beginning a Yoga Practice With the Intention of Losing Weight

Simply rolling out your yoga mat is all that is required to get your practice of yoga off the ground. To practice yoga for weight loss, you do not need to be an accomplished yogi; in this space, yogis of all levels are encouraged and supported. Find the difficulty level that’s right for you out of the many different FitOn yoga sessions available, and get ready to sweat!

If you haven’t already joined our community, you can do so now for free and have access to an endless number of free workouts and meditations. This includes a whole category dedicated to yoga that is packed with diverse yoga flow patterns and is suitable for a wide range of fitness levels.