10 Ways to Move More in Everyday Life

Move More in Everyday Life

When you’re trying to fit exercise into your schedule, it can be difficult not to feel overwhelmed. I share the following advice with the patients who come to me for physical therapy… and how I am able to keep my body moving throughout the day.

I got it. Everyone has at one point or another said the phrase “Who has time to workout when you’re a…”

Simply fill in the blank with your situation: a parent who works, the parent who works night shifts, an entrepreneur, a student, a person who commutes, or a parent who stays at home to keep children alive. You are not the only person who struggles to find time in their schedule for physical activity.

Because I am a mother, a physical therapist, and the owner of my own company, I have to make time in my schedule for physical activity; otherwise, it won’t happen.

In the past 11 years, I’ve come to the conclusion that the strategy of telling myself that I’ll work out later doesn’t work for me. I know that in order to keep my sanity, as well as my health and my strength, I need to make time in my schedule for regular exercise.

And here’s one more piece of advice: to keep your body moving throughout the day and the week, try sprinkling in a few extra exercises here and there. The cumulative effects of doing a little bit more physical activity here and there really do pile up over time.

Here are some easy methods to get extra exercise throughout the day without having to carve out any additional time in your already packed agenda.

  1. You should use the stairwell.

I know. This is extremely uninteresting, and you have probably already heard it a million and one times. Nevertheless, there’s a good reason why it’s considered one of the best tips.

Using the stairs instead of the elevator not only raises your heart rate but also helps you maintain your balance and enhances the strength in your lower extremities. You could even do some heel rises off the edge of a step for calf strength if you have a few minutes to spare, or you could climb the stairs two at a time. Both of these options would be beneficial.

You’ll be doing your heart and body a favor if you take the stairs instead of the elevator.

  1. Include walking meetings in your routine.

If you work from home or have switched to virtual conference calls, make sure to schedule a walk during at least one of the conversations you have each day.

If you aren’t required to be staring at a screen and analyzing spreadsheets, put your headphones on, tuck your phone into your pocket, and go on a stroll to figure out how to fix all of the problems in the world. It’s a terrific way to shake up the routine you do every day.

And if you do your one-on-one meetings in an office, consider moving them somewhere. Walking together strengthens the bonds between team members, and it might even inspire some brilliant new ideas. According to studies, walking can improve both creative output and mental sharpness.

  1. Lunge it up

Because I do this so frequently, people occasionally stare at me in an odd way, but hey, I’m a busy lady, and my time is valuable!

Try doing walking lunges down the aisles of the supermarket while holding onto the shopping cart while you’re out doing your shopping. You can perform approximately 10–20 lunges in a single pass depending on the length of the aisles in your grocery store. The cart provides a nice balance point, and you can do so. Try it out; you might be surprised by how much fun it is!

  1. Adopt a seated position on an exercise ball

Rather than sitting in a chair all day, try using a stability ball instead. This can be helpful for relieving back discomfort and improving posture. Additionally, while you are seated on the ball, you can perform some gentle mobility stretches that target your neck, pelvis, and spine.

You can engage your core stabilizers by doing a motion similar to hula hooping and tucking and untucking your pelvis. You can also attempt seated marches or other exercises on the ball while sitting at your desk if you want to put in some abdominal work. You can do all of these exercises while sitting at your desk.

  1. Park far away

Even though we need to be cautious and aware of our surroundings, if you are in an area that is well-lit and safe, you might want to park your vehicle further away from the entrance of the building to which you are heading. Your daily step count can be increased by just walking for a few more minutes here and there. This will build up over the course of the day.

  1. Have more sex

You’re very welcome, by the way. According to several studies that were conducted in the past, women lose approximately 3.1 calories per minute during sexual activity, whereas men lose approximately 4.2 calories per minute.

Therefore, even if it’s not quite the same as going for a brisk run, having sex can absolutely cause you to break a sweat. Have fun, experiment with different positions and methods, and strengthen your relationship with your partner all while moving more.

  1. Foster a pet

Volunteers are constantly needed at the shelter in our community as well as the other adoption organizations in the area. Bring the kids with you and offer to help out at the animal shelter by walking some of the pets.

You get the opportunity to spend more time outside, help a dog and your community, teach your children about the importance of caring for others, and spend some quality time with your family being active and exercising your body. All of these benefits come at no cost to you. Everyone who’s involved comes out ahead in the end.

  1. Have a dancing party

First thing you should do is remove all of the furniture from the room, then turn on some music. You can get this done even if you’re in the middle of making dinner, folding laundry, or cleaning the house.

Dancing is a wonderful activity that not only helps you burn calories but also improves your balance and coordination. In addition, you and your children can turn it into a game or a competition. They need to educate themselves on the music of the 1980s, right? Put on some ACDC (or whatever else gets your toes tapping), and start moving around.

  1. Vary the format of your weekly game night.

Instead of playing board games or card games with your family during your next game night, try some active activities instead.

The following is a list to help you refresh your memory: Games include musical chairs, hopscotch, jump rope, hula hoop contests, limbo, hide-and-seek, kick the can, scavenger hunts, Twister, frozen dance, potato sack races, pin the tail on the donkey, pin the tail on the donkey, hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek, musical chairs, hopscotch, jump rope, hula h The games you enjoyed playing when you were younger can still be just as entertaining to play now.

These are the kinds of games that may be played with individuals of any age, and they can be played either inside or outside. My family had a great time playing Freeze Frame Dance Party and Pin the Tail on the Donkey, and at the end of both games, we are all drenched in sweat and exhausted.

  1. Get some exercise or stretch while you watch TV

I am aware that this violates every principle of the “binge and chill” philosophy, but bear with me here. During your next session of binge-watching on Netflix, try working out on a stationary cycle, a treadmill, stretching on the floor, using weights to improve your upper and lower body, or performing Pilates.

If you sit down to watch a show for thirty minutes but remain active during the entire program, you will have added thirty minutes of activity to your day. If you think it would be a good place to begin, you may even restrict it to only the times when the commercials are on.

Keep your exercise gear next to where you “binge watch,” and while you’re watching your show, try doing some exercises that only use your bodyweight, like foam rolling. Your arm strength, posture, and overall well-being will all noticeably improve after performing only a few repetitions of exercises like bicep curls, triceps presses, or arm raises using light hand weights.

This is especially important for women to keep in mind, as they are more likely to develop osteoporosis than males. Include resistance exercise in your routine so that you can maintain the health and strength of your bones.

Bottom Line

I really hope that some of these suggestions may help motivate and inspire you to walk around a bit more throughout the day.

I am aware of how challenging it may be to stick to a healthy habit. When you start working out for the first time, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, but putting some of these tips into practice will help.

You may ease into a more active lifestyle by beginning with baby steps, such as including some lunges here and there, attending a walking meeting once a week, or taking the stairs a few times. Before you know it, you’ll be moving and grooving more than you ever have before.