24 Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss That Will Actually Work

Best Yoga Poses

Prepare to roll out your mat and get ready to lose weight while also improving your flexibility and balance.

Your chats, if they are anything like mine, are likely to center on statements such as “Nothing works!”, “I need to lose weight.”, or “I want to lose weight — badly!” Before I attempted yoga for weight loss, I tried a wide variety of diets, watched a wealth of videos, and buried my head in an endless supply of listicles. All of these failed to provide the desired results. What do you think? I am grateful that none of them worked because if they had, I wouldn’t have thought to try yoga in the first place. And as a result, wouldn’t have made it a way of life for themselves. And sure, I did end up losing a significant amount of weight.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s discuss a few yoga asanas that can help you improve muscle strength, tone your body, and assist you in losing weight.

To Get Back Into Shape, Practice Yoga

The following is a list of the most beneficial yoga asanas for each body part:

  1. For Facial Fat
  2. In Defense of the Arms
  3. Covering Both The Shoulders And The Upper Back
  4. Is Appropriate For The Core
  5. Is Dedicated To The Thighs

Hamstrings and calf muscles are addressed in section F.

  1. For the Hip in full
  2. For Facial Fat (Approx. 2 minutes)
  3. Simhasana

Lion Pose is another name for this exercise.

The Workings of It

This particular asana is beneficial for relieving stress and tension in addition to toning the facial muscles. It is a fundamental position, and practitioners of any age can achieve it successfully. When you sit in Lion Pose and thrust your tongue out, not only do the muscles in your thorax and spine get stretched but so do the facial muscles in your face.


There is not even the slightest possibility of any danger. If you have difficulty sitting in this pose, you can execute the asana while seated on a chair instead.

  1. Jalandhara Bandha

The Workings of It

This seated pose for breath work is a terrific approach to stretch and tone the muscles that surround the neck region, and it’s a great way to do both at the same time. When you press your chin into the center of your chest, you are exercising the muscles on your chin as well. The act of holding your breath has multiple benefits, including the cleansing of your lungs and an improvement in your ability to breathe.


Perform this bandha only under the guidance of a trained yoga instructor if you experience any breathing difficulties. If you have cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure, you should try to hold your breath.

  1. In Defense of the Arms (Approx. 5-6 minutes)
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Alternately referred to as the Downward Dog Pose

The Workings of It

One of the weight-bearing poses in yoga is called Adho Mukha Svanasana. It is necessary for you to support your upper body with your hands. It is a wonderful method for toning your biceps and arms at the same time.


If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you should avoid doing this particular yoga pose.

  1. Chaturanga Dandasana

Alternately referred to as the Low Plank Pose and the Four-Limbed Staff Pose

The Workings of It

In order to maintain this pose, you will need to keep your core strong while supporting your weight with your hands and remaining off the ground. It not only strengthens your biceps and triceps but also tones your arms, which is a benefit of doing this exercise.


If you have an injury to your shoulder or hip, you should not attempt to do this. Consult a yoga teacher who is trained in teaching variations if you want assistance with those.

  1. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Alternately referred as as the Dolphin Pose

The Workings of It

While you are attempting to stay afloat, your arms will become the base for you to balance the entirety of your upper body on. The biceps, triceps, and arms all benefit from the strengthening and toning that this asana provides.


It is a straightforward asana that can be performed by anybody. However, if you have injuries to your neck or shoulders, you need to exercise extreme caution.

  1. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

The Workings of It

In this asana, you will be stretching the muscles in your arms while balancing the weight of your body. Arms, triceps, and biceps can be toned more effectively and quickly with the use of this method.


If you are pregnant or have any kind of wrist injury, it is advised to stay away from this asana.

  1. Covering Both The Shoulders And The Upper Back (Approx. 4-6 minutes)
  2. Bharadvajasana

Alternately referred to as the “Seated Twist Pose”

The Workings of It

This asana requires a significant twist and is considered to be an intermediate level pose that can be readily mastered by anyone with sufficient practice. The natural flexibility of your upper body, as well as your digestion, will improve as a result, and it will also strengthen the flexibility of your shoulders.


If you have troubles with your knees, hips, or spine, you need to exercise extreme caution.

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana

The Workings of It

To achieve this pose, you will need to move your shoulders, neck, and spine in tandem with one another. The rigorous twist, which is performed “one side at a time,” helps tone the muscles of the upper body, the sides of the body, and the abdominal region.


If you have issues with your back or spine, you should exercise extreme caution.

  1. Is Appropriate For The Core (Approx. 5-7 minutes)
  2. Navasana

Alternately referred to as the Boat Pose

The Workings of It

When you think of this asana, picture yourself on a see-saw or in a boat. In the same way, it functions, and the abdominal region ends up being the base for balancing the body. If you have a hard time getting rid of that belly fat that just won’t go away, here is something that will offer you visible results. You are well on your way to achieving toned abdominal muscles with only a little bit of work.


If you are experiencing insomnia, have a hernia, or have spinal problems, you should not perform this asana.

  1. Matsyasana

Alternately referred as as the Fish Pose

The Workings of It

It is all about extending the muscles and organs of your lower body, such as your thighs, intestines, hips, and abdominal muscles.


If you suffer from high blood pressure, a hernia, or migraines, it is in your best interest to steer clear of this asana.

  1. Anantasana

Alternately referred to as the Vishnu’s Couch Pose

The Workings of It

The abdominal muscles are toned and strengthened by this stance. As you stretch, your attention should transfer to both the left and right sides of your body. This asana is great for improving digestion and blood circulation.


Before performing this asana, you should check with your primary care physician if you have ever had pain or stiffness in the neck or hips.

  1. Bhujangasana

Alternately referred as as the “Cobra Pose,”

The Workings of It

This graceful asana is an important part of the Surya Namaskar sequence, and it focuses on strengthening the upper body. A rooted stretch is given to the abdominal muscles as a result.


Do not attempt to perform this yoga pose if you are currently pregnant or if you have a hernia.

  1. Is Dedicated To The Thighs (Approx. 6-8 minutes)
  2. Baddha Konasana

Additionally referred as as the Cobbler Pose

The Workings of It

The inner and outer thighs both get a workout from the Cobbler Pose. This stance can be varied in a fun and engaging way by flapping the legs like butterfly wings; in fact, this is one of the reasons why it is also known as the Butterfly Pose. It is simple, uncomplicated, and relaxing to your lower body all at once.


If you have a knee injury, you should steer clear of performing this.

  1. Malasana

Alternately referred as as the Garland Pose

The Workings of It

A posture that helps prevent fat accumulation in the lower body, which can be caused by sitting for long periods of time and not standing up regularly. Thigh, groin, and hip muscles all get a good stretch with this exercise. Flexibility is increased, and the inner and outer parts of the thighs are toned.


If you have knee or hip pain, you should steer clear of this asana.

  1. Anjaneyasana

Alternately referred as as the Crescent Pose

The Workings of It

It is all about the lunge in this posture; it extends the legs, hamstrings, and thighs, and it helps tone the muscles from the hips all the way down to the ankles. It’s wonderful for releasing stress and increasing your flexibility at the same time.


It is recommended that you steer clear of this asana if you have ever suffered from knee injuries or cardiac conditions.

  1. Ardha Bhekasana

Alternately referred to as the Half-Frog Pose.

The Workings of It

The Half-Frog Pose is one of the poses that requires the most effort, yet the benefits it offers are truly astonishing. The hamstrings, quadriceps, and hip flexors all benefit from the stretching and strengthening that this exercise provides. As a result of the increased blood circulation, you will feel more energized.


If you have pain in your neck, shoulders, or lower back, it is recommended to steer clear of this asana.

For the Hamstrings and Calf Muscles, the Letter “F” (Approx 5 – 7 mins)

  1. Padangusthasana, or Big Toe Pose, is another name for this exercise. Here’s How It Works

A stance that gives the calf muscles a good workout while also fully stretching the hamstrings. In addition to improving the strength of your thighs, legs, and back, it also helps to stimulate the functioning of the liver and kidneys.


It is one of the most fundamental postures, and anyone should be able to achieve it. On the other hand, those who are just starting out can find that it takes some time before they can fully bend and stretch.

  1. Parsvottanasana

Alternately referred as as the Pyramid Pose

The Workings of It

Because it requires a significant amount of side-to-side stretching on both sides of the body, it is also known as the Intense Side Stretch Pose. As you extend into the ultimate posture, the quadriceps, calf muscles, and hamstrings all receive a strength boost from this exercise. A simple and effective method for toning and strengthening your legs.


Women who are pregnant and anyone who have problems with their hamstrings should avoid striking this pose.

  1. Virabhadrasana 2

Alternately referred to as the Warrior 2 Pose.

The Workings of It

The Warrior 2 Pose is an invigorating yoga position that stretches all of the muscles below your hips and helps you build stamina at the same time. In addition to toning and strengthening your legs, the second level of the Warrior Pose comes with a lot of other benefits that you can take advantage of as well. It works like magic to relieve the pain of sciatica.


If you suffer from persistent knee discomfort, arthritis, high blood pressure, or diarrhea, you should steer clear of this asana.

  1. Upavistha Konasana

Alternately referred to as the Wide Angle Seated Bend Pose.

The Workings of It

Imagine performing a “split” while dancing, but doing so while seated rather than standing. The intense stretching not only tones the hips but also releases tension in the muscles of the torso and hips.


This is an advanced stance that does not expose the practitioner to any possible dangers. If you suffer from lower back pain, you should try propping your torso up with a pillow or a blanket instead.

For the Hips, or G. (Approx. 5-6 minutes)

  1. Garudasana

Alternately referred as as the Eagle Pose

The Workings of It

Eagle Pose is a challenging yoga position that requires you to engage your thighs, legs, and arms while also pulling your chest outside of the body. The act of balancing helps you establish equilibrium and, in the process, strengthens the muscles in your core as well as those in your hips.


If you experience pain in your knees, shoulders, or ankles, you should avoid doing this asana.

  1. Ananda Balasana

Alternately referred to as the “Happy Baby Pose”

The Workings of It

This particular position is beneficial since it extends the entirety of the bottom half of your body. The emphasis is placed on the hip bone as it traverses a plane that is perpendicular to the ground. Throughout the procedure, the inner thighs, the groin, and the hamstrings are all toned and strengthened as well.


If you have diarrhea, you should avoid striking this stance. Adjustments need to be made to the position if you are pregnant.

  1. Rajakapotasana

Pigeon Pose is another name for this pose.

The Workings of It

The hip muscles are strengthened as a result of the severe stretching of the legs, spine, and chest. When you are in this asana, your entire body will be facing front, and the only organ that will be visible at the back of your body will be the hip. As a result, it gives your hip muscles a very good workout.


Even though this asana is profound and fascinating, it is preferable to perform it under the guidance of a trained instructor, particularly if you have tight thighs or hips. This is especially important to keep in mind if you are trying to improve your flexibility.

  1. Supta Baddha Konasana

Alternately referred as as the Reclined Bound Angle Pose.

The Workings of It

This hip-opening asana also stretches the inner thighs and strengthens the legs. The strengthening of the hip flexor muscles is achieved through the challenging balancing act of maintaining the legs folded while pressing the toes together. This asana is great for relieving stress and tension in the thighs and hips because it’s so calming.


If you have lower back pain, knee or groin ailments, or any other type of injury, you should not perform this asana.

Warning: If you are expecting a child, now is probably not the best time to start a weight loss program. Always consult an expert in yoga to determine whether or not you are able to practice a certain asana.

Infographic: Additional Yoga Poses That Can Help You Lose Weight

If you don’t follow the right procedures, losing weight might be a long and arduous trip for you. If you’re not careful, you can even give up. Even if the yoga postures that were described earlier are beneficial, we do not want to restrict your range of possible poses. In light of this fact, we have designed the infographic that follows, which is comprised of more yoga positions that you can practice in order to get rid of those extra pounds. Therefore, I kindly ask that you scroll down and give it a read.

Everyone is interested in learning more about the potential of yoga to aid in weight loss. Some kinds of yoga are more physically taxing than others, despite the common perception that yoga is not an aerobic practice. Asanas in yoga that require a lot of movement and effort help you burn calories and get rid of some of the excess fat that has accumulated on your body. A beneficial method for shedding extra pounds is to take up yoga, particularly the more strenuous forms of the practice. You could also find that the mindfulness you get via a gentle and calming yoga practice assists in the process of losing weight.

Questions That Are Typically Asked

Is a daily practice of yoga for ten minutes sufficient?

Yes. It is beneficial to the mental health as well as the physical health of the muscles, posture, and flexibility.

Why am I not seeing any results from practicing yoga?

It’s possible that doing simply yoga won’t help you burn fat. If you want to see positive outcomes, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle. Consume a lot of water, watch what you eat, maintain a regular sleep and wake schedule, and get plenty of exercise. All of these different tasks need to have the same level of coherence.

How often should I practice yoga to see results in my weight loss efforts?

If you practice vigorous yoga three to five times a week, you will noticeably improve your condition.

Which is more beneficial: yoga or working out?

Yoga promotes health in all aspects of one’s being. It is possible that it will assist tone your body while also improving your flexibility and strength. When it comes to shedding pounds, however, strenuous workouts appear to be the more effective strategy. For instance, a 30-minute session of yoga can help you burn roughly 85 calories, but 30 minutes of exercise at a moderate level can help you burn 126 calories.

How quickly does yoga affect your body?

If you practice yoga regularly and with the appropriate level of discipline, you can see remarkable improvements in just six to twelve weeks. Having said that, this is only a very approximate estimate. It’s possible that it’ll be different for each individual.

Is it true that yoga is superior to walking?

If you want to reduce weight, you will see greater success with yoga than with walking. When compared to walking for an hour, doing one hour of power yoga can help you burn 340 calories, while walking for an hour would only help you burn about 242 calories.