The definite guide to yoga


The definite guide to  yoga

The Tree of Yoga: The Definitive Guide to Yoga in Everyday Life

The definitive guide to yoga in everyday life from B.K.S. Iyengar is the world’s most respected yoga teacher.

B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar’s unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of ‘yoga for all’, has made it a worldwide phenomenon.

His seminal book, ‘Light on Yoga, is widely called ‘the bible of yoga’ and has served as the source book for generations of yoga students around the world. In ‘Tree of Yoga’, the collected wisdom of his many years of practical practice and its application in real life are brought into a single-volume work.

A collected philosophy for life researched through decades of practice by B.K.S. Iyengar is the world’s most respected yoga teacher. These are his core teachings and advice for living a long, healthy, happy life.

Using the tree as a structural metaphor for both life and yoga practice, the essays cover many aspects of life and practice which are vital to health and happiness and in need of care. This includes:
• Yoga and health
• Yoga as part of daily life
• Childhood and parenthood
• Love
• Death


The Ashtanga Yoga: The Definitive Guide to Therapeutic & Traditional Yoga (Hardcover)

This ground-breaking guide to Ashtanga yoga, by two of the world’s leading teachers, Manju Jois and Greg Tebb, is the only book on yoga you’ll ever need.
The Ashtanga system, which is in the Hatha yoga tradition, was passed down by Sri T. Krishnamacharya and is now practiced by thousands of people around the world traditionally in Ashtanga, there are three main sequences of postures: Primary (Yoga Chikitsa), Intermediate (Nadi Sodhana), and Advanced Series (Sthira Bhaga). The traditional system of Ashtanga is based on Patanjali’s philosophy of eight limbs of yoga. Students practice a sequence of poses linked with Vinyasa (breath movement) using Ujjayi Pranayama (deep rhythmic breathing), Bandha (muscular and energetic locks), and Drishti (meditative gaze point.

This system has often been misunderstood in the west as it has been taught as a powerful form of exercise with little emphasis on the therapeutic benefits. Finally, two of the world’s leading Ashtanga teachers team up to demystify the practice and its teachings, bringing to light the role of yoga in long-term health, the benefits of each pose as well as illustrating safe adjustments for poses in each series


Yoga bible: the definitive guide to yoga

Yoga brings not only a suppleness to the body but also a sense of spiritual and physical

well-being to those who practice it. Featuring over 170 postures from the main schools of yoga, The Yoga Bible is the ultimate, comprehensive guide to practicing yoga and finding a mental and physical balance in life. The book encourages yoga beginners and experts alike to find a yoga sequence that suits their personal needs and abilities.




Christina Brown




Walking stick press



The history of yoga and how it developed into the practice you know today

Ask any yoga practitioner to define yoga, and you’re likely to get a myriad of answers. For some, it’s a way to feel good in their bodies. For others, it’s a spiritual practice, and for many, a way of life. But regardless of your approach, yoga can help reshape and unravel your habitual or unconscious patterns. Practicing yoga helps provide a foundation and tools to building good habits, such as discipline, self-inquiry, and nonattachment. This exercise is also a pathway to empower you to make conscious choices to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Today, many agree that the word yuj — which yoga derives from — refers to greater internal states, such as clarity, peace, and happiness.

One prevalent definition comes from “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,” compiled before 400 A.D. In the second verse of the first book, yoga is defined as the “cessation of mind wandering.” The sutras also provide an eight-limb system that guides the practitioner to transcend beyond the mind and attain yogic freedom.


The eight-limb system is an integral and highly regarded part of yoga. Today, we practice asana, the physical postures, the most. These were developed in the early 20th century by Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Then, three of his most well-known students further developed particular styles of yoga, each with something different and beneficial to offer.

Many styles practiced today have evolved from these three students, including Vinyasa yoga, where poses are linked with breathing to create a flowing, dynamic, and creative sequence.

  • B. K. S. Iyengar: creator of Iyengar yoga
  • K. Pattabhi Jois: creator of Ashtanga yoga
  • T. K. V. Desikachar: creator of Viniyoga
  • lflds

we’re in an unparalleled position to engage with yoga through a multitude of channels. There are countless ways to practice: from studios, gyms, community centers, schools, and outdoor venues, to online videos and social media channels. You can also fully immerse yourself by attending conferences, training, and retreats all over the globe. With so many ways to engage with yoga, you’re in an optimal position to begin or enhance your practice and tailor it to best support your health and well-being.

Through different styles of yoga, you’ll notice a common, consistent theme: self-healing. Whether you choose to practice Yin or prefer Vinyasa, practicing any style of yoga gives you the opportunity to turn inward and learn more about yourself so that you can be of greater service to the people and the world around you.


Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Definitive Guide to Awaken Your Hidden Potential and Purify Your Spirit – Volume 1

As you go through this book, you will:

  • Eliminate the common behaviors that undermine your potential
  • Discover your unique learning style and supercharge your learning
  • Overcome self-imposed limitations by using the power of affirmation
  • Discover how yoga can help you unlock your potential
  • Lay out a plan for transforming your life

This book combines ancient knowledge and cutting-edge scientific discoveries so that you don’t waste your time on self-improvement strategies that don’t work. Simply follow the book’s advice and you’ll notice a definite change in a matter of weeks,

  • By:  Marius K  green
  • Narrated by  Tom C
  • Length: 3 hrs and 26 mins
  • Unabridged       Audiobook
